Penerapan program Detention di SMA X = The implementation of detention program at SMA X

Tafuama, Lisiecha Grace (2015) Penerapan program Detention di SMA X = The implementation of detention program at SMA X. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita harapan.

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Penulis mengamati suatu program pendisiplinan dalam bentuk konsekuensi negatif di SMA X yaitu detention bagi siswa yang melanggar peraturan kelas atau sekolah. Tujuan laporan magang ini adalah untuk melihat penerapan program detention melalui pengamatan terhadap pelaksanaan prosedur teknis detention dan untuk melihat hasil penerapan program detention terhadap perubahan perilaku siswa. Pengamatan terhadap program detention di SMA X di mulai dari tanggal 15 September 2014 sampai 21 November 2014. Laporan magang ini melibatkan 29 siswa kelas X-XII yang pernah mendapatkan konsekuensi detention, kepala sekolah, guru koordinator detention, 10 guru mata pelajaran, tujuh guru piket detention, tujuh guru wali kelas, dua konselor, dan delapan guru yang tidak menggunakan detention. Instrumen yang digunakan penulis adalah lembar wawancara dan lembar kuesioner. Hasil dianalisis melalui analisis deskriptif sederhana. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar prosedur telah dilaksanakan berdasarkan prosedur teknis tertulis yang dimiliki sekolah. Namun, ada beberapa prosedur yang tidak berjalan sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah tertulis. Dari sisi siswa, detention hanya memberikan efek jera. Siswa menjadi pribadi yang lebih disiplin bukan karena siswa mengerti bahwa dirinya harus menjadi pribadi yang disiplin, tapi karena tidak ingin membuang-buang waktunya untuk detention. / The writer observed a disciplinary program in a form of negative consequence at SMA X, which was detention for students who did the violence(s) against classroom or school rules. This report aimed to see the implementation of detention program according to the technical procedure of detention and to see the result of the implementation of detention program to the change of students’ behavior. The observation of detention program at SMA X start from September 15th until November 21st, 2014. This report involved 29 grade X-XII students who had ever got detention as consequence, headmaster, detention coordinator teacher, 10 subject teachers, seven duty-officer teacher, seven homeroom teachers, two councelors, and eight teachers who did not use detention. The intruments used by the writer were, interview sheets and questinarrie sheets. The result was analyzed by using simple descriptive analysis. The result showed that most of the procedures had been conducted according to the written technical procedures owned by the school yet, there were some procedures that were not done according to the written technical procedures. From the students’ side, detention only gave a detterent effect. Students became more discipline not because they understood that they needed to be discipline, but it was because they did not want to waste their time to have detention.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tafuama, Lisiecha GraceNIM40720110011UNSPECIFIED
Thesis advisorSuwu, Selvi
Additional Information: CD SK 407-11 TAF p ; T 92640
Uncontrolled Keywords: disiplin; konsekuensi; detention; discipline; consequence; detention.
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Depositing User: Mrs Veronica Fitri Astuti
Date Deposited: 03 May 2021 03:50
Last Modified: 11 Sep 2024 11:50

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