Pengaruh terpaan iklan pada konten video dengan hashtag #shopeehaul di media sosial TikTok terhadap perilaku konsumtif generasi millenial

Okviosa, Audhiandra Nur Ratri (2021) Pengaruh terpaan iklan pada konten video dengan hashtag #shopeehaul di media sosial TikTok terhadap perilaku konsumtif generasi millenial. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kehadiran aplikasi TikTok juga dimanfaatkan oleh Shopee sebagai salah satu marketplace dengan basis konsumen cukup luas, melihat peluang promosi yang dijalankan secara kreatif. Berbagai inovasi konten banyak mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih dari khalayak sasaran, salah satunya kreativitas masyarakat membuat video dengan hashtag #Shopeehaul. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah menelaah pengaruh terpaan iklan pada konten video dengan hashtag #Shopeehaul di media sosial TikTok terhadap perilaku konsumtif generasi millennial dengan menggunakan analisis teori jarum hipodermik. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan analisis data regresi linier. Responden penelitian merupakan generasi milenial dengan rentang umur 25 - 40 tahun yang memiliki akun media sosial TikTok berjumlah 97 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, terdapat korelasi sangat kuat secara signifikan dan positif antara adanya terpaan iklan pada konten video dengan hashtag #Shopeehaul di media sosial TikTok memiliki terhadap perilaku konsumtif generasi millennial sebesar 0,854 (85,4%). Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh terpaan iklan pada konten video dengan hashtag #Shopeehaul di media sosial TikTok terhadap perilaku konsumtif generasi milenial. Melihat dari aspek-aspek terpaan iklan, maka aspek frekuensi menjadi aspek yang paling berpengaruh terhadap munculnya perilaku konsumtif pada generasi milenial. Adanya terpaan iklan pada aspek frekuensi, menjadikan iklan akan tampak menarik dan lebih sering dilihat melalui pesan-pesan melalui konten video dengan hashtag #Shopeehaul di media sosial TikTok. Dengan demikian, frekuensi dinilai dapat menyampaikan iklan yang akan selalu diterima./ The presence of the TikTok application is also used by Shopee as a marketplace with a fairly wide consumer base, seeing promotional opportunities that are run creatively. Various content innovations have received more attention from the target audience, one of which is the creativity of the community in making videos with the hashtag #Shopeehaul. The focus of this research is to examine the effect of advertising exposure on video content with the hashtag #Shopeehaul on TikTok social media on the consumptive behavior of the millennial generation using hypodermic needle theory analysis. The research approach used is quantitative, with linear regression data analysis. Research respondents are a millennial generation with an age range of 25-40 years who have a TikTok social media account totaling 97 respondents. Research has shown that there is a significant and positive correlation between advertising on video content with hashtag #Shopeehaul in TikTok social media has against the consumption behavior of the millennial generation of 0.854 (85.4%). In addition, research has shown a impact between advertising on video content and hashtag #Shopeehaul in TikTok social media on the consumption behavior of millennial generations. Looking at the most popular aspects of advertising, then the frequency aspect becomes the most influential aspect to the emergence of consumer behavior over the millennium generation. It is impressed with advertising in terms of frequency, making advertising look interesting and more frequently seen through messages through video content with hashtags #Shopeehaul in TikTok social media. Thus, the frequency evaluated can convey advertisements that will always be accepted.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Okviosa, Audhiandra Nur Ratri
Thesis advisor
Simangunsong, Benedictus A.
Thesis advisor
Sundah, Pierre M.
Uncontrolled Keywords: perilaku konsumtif; Shopee; TikTok
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science (Distance Education Program)
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science (Distance Education Program)
Depositing User: Users 4946 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2021 12:41
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2021 12:41

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