Pengaruh ROA, DPR, dan kurs terhadap harga saham LQ45 dengan PER sebagai variabel moderasi = The impacts of ROA, DPR, and exchange rate on the share price of LQ45 index companies with PER as a moderating variable

Munir, Alifia (2021) Pengaruh ROA, DPR, dan kurs terhadap harga saham LQ45 dengan PER sebagai variabel moderasi = The impacts of ROA, DPR, and exchange rate on the share price of LQ45 index companies with PER as a moderating variable. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, mendeskripsikan, dan mengetahui pengaruh Return on Asset, Dividend Payout Ratio, dan Kurs terhadap harga saham yang dimoderasi Price-to-Earning Ratio. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan perusahaan pada indeks LQ45 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2015 sampai 2019. Sampel didapatkan dengan cara purposive sampling dengan jumlah 139 observasi. Uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji asumsi klasik untuk mengetahui apakah ada abnormalitas atau bias dari data yang diperoleh dan uji regresi berganda untuk mengetahui hubungan langsung antara variabel independen yaitu ROA, DPR, dan Kurs dengan variabel dependen yaitu harga saham yang dimoderasi oleh PER. Data diolah menggunakan program SPSS Versi 25 dimana hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan Variabel ROA dan DPR secara independen berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap harga saham. Variabel Kurs dan PER secara independen tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap terhadap harga saham. Sedangkan PER sebagai variabel moderasi tidak mempengaruhi hubungan antara ROA dan Kurs terhadap harga saham namun memperkuat hubungan DPR terhadap harga saham. / This research aims to analyze, describe, and determine the effect of Return on Assets, Dividend Payout Ratio, and Exchange Rate on stock prices which are moderated by Price-to-Earning Ratio. This research uses secondary data in the form of financial reports of companies in LQ45 index that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2015 to 2019. The sample was obtained by purposive sampling amounted to 139 observations. The test used in this research are the classic assumption test to determine whether there is any abnormality or bias from the data obtained and multiple regression test to determine the direct relationship between the independent variables, namely ROA, DPR, and Exchange Rate with the dependent variable, namely share prices which moderated by PER. The data is processed using the SPSS version 25 program where the results obtained to show that the ROA and DPR independently have a significant positive effect on stock prices. Exchange rate and PER independently do not have a significant effect on stock prices. Meanwhile, PER as a moderating variable does not affect the relationship between ROA and exchange rate on stock prices but does affect the relationship between DPR on stock prices.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Munir, Alifia
Thesis advisor
Jaunanda, Meiliana
Uncontrolled Keywords: Return on Asset; Dividend Payout Ratio; Kurs; Harga Saham; Price- to-Earning Ratio; Moderasi
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Accounting
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Business School > Accounting
Depositing User: Alifia Virgiani Munir
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2021 03:55
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2021 07:00

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