Perancangan produk digital mencari komunitas/teman untuk meningkatkan aktivitas fisik mahasiswa = Designing a digital product to find communities/friends to increase physical activity among college students

Juan, Kristian (2024) Perancangan produk digital mencari komunitas/teman untuk meningkatkan aktivitas fisik mahasiswa = Designing a digital product to find communities/friends to increase physical activity among college students. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Hanya 28% dari individu usia 18-25 tahun yang mencapai tingkat aktivitas fisik yang direkomendasikan. Menurut jurnal Barriers to high school and university students physical activity hambatan utama terhadap aktivitas fisik individu kelompok usia 18-25 adalah kurangnya waktu, kurangnya motivasi, keterbatasan keuangan untuk bisa mengakses tempat kebugaran. Perubahan-perubahan ini dapat terkait dengan perilaku gaya hidup yang tidak sehat seperti peningkatan berat badan, kebiasaan makan yang buruk, dan gaya hidup yang kurang aktif. Solusi yang diusulkan untuk meningkatkan kebugaran fisik sesuai standar CDC adalah perancangan aplikasi digital yang mengikuti konsep sosial fitness, dimana faktor lingkungan, teman, dan pengalaman yang menyenangkan akan membantu pengguna lebih bugar secara fisik karena adanya dorongan sosial. Dengan pengembangan aplikasi seluler ‘Teman Gerak’ mengintegrasikan fitur gabung komunitas, mencari teman, dan ikut event olahraga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengalaman berolahraga agar pengguna termotivasi Metode perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan Card sorting, System Usability Scale, kuesioner, wawancara pengguna dan studi kasus aplikasi yang sudah ada untuk menganalisis masalah serta menilai kelayakan aplikasi. / Only 28% of individuals aged 18-25 achieve the recommended level of physical activity. According to the journal "Barriers to high school and university students physical activity," the main barriers to physical activity among individuals aged 18-25 are lack of time, lack of motivation, and financial limitations to access fitness facilities. These changes may be associated with unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as weight gain, poor eating habits, and sedentary lifestyles. The proposed solution to improve physical fitness according to CDC standards is the design of a digital application following the concept of social fitness, where environmental factors, friends, and enjoyable experiences will help users become more physically fit through social encouragement. By developing the mobile application "Teman Gerak" integrating features such as joining communities, finding friends, and participating in sports events, it is hoped to increase awareness and exercise experience to motivate users. The method of designing this application includes card sorting, the System Usability Scale, questionnaires, user interviews, and case studies of existing applications to analyze problems and assess the feasibility of the application.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thesis advisorGumulya,
Uncontrolled Keywords: motivation; cdc activity standard; aplikasi digital; media sosial kebugaran; motivation; cdc activity standard; digital app; social media fitness.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > TS-Manufactures
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Product Design
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Product Design
Depositing User: KRISTIAN JUAN
Date Deposited: 28 May 2024 13:41
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 13:41

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