Perancangan website e-learning dengan penilaian ujian essay online secara otomatis menggunakan metode Euclidean similarity secara otomatis dan Arifin-Setiono

Lawrence, Orlando (2024) Perancangan website e-learning dengan penilaian ujian essay online secara otomatis menggunakan metode Euclidean similarity secara otomatis dan Arifin-Setiono. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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E-learning adalah proses pembelajaran dimana guru dan siswa tidak diharuskan bertatap muka. Proses pembelajaran juga mencakup tahap penilaian berupa tes, seperti tes esai online yang mewajibkan siswa menjelaskan jawabannya dengan kalimat sendiri karena tidak ada jawaban dan dilakukan secara online. Proses penilaian ujian online secara otomatis untuk soal pilihan berganda dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, maka dapat diterapkan text mining. Proses preprocessing text mining mencakup case folding (menghapus karakter non-huruf), mengubah seluruh huruf menjadi huruf kecil, tokenizing (memisahkan teks menurut kata-katanya), filtering (menghapus kata-kata yang tidak penting dari data pada stopword), dan stemming (mengubah kata imbuhan menjadi kata dasar). Salah satu metode stemming Bahasa Indonesia adalah Arfin Setiono. Langkah selanjutnya dalam proses pengolahan teks adalah melakukan penilaian teks. Studi ini akan menggunakan metode Euclidean Similarity. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi penilaian ujian essay online yang menggunakan metode Euclidean Similarity dan Arifin-Setiono untuk menilai jawaban soal essay secara otomatis, sehingga siswa dapat mengetahui nilai langsung setelah ujian. / E-learning is a learning process where teachers and students are not required to meet face to face. The learning process also includes an assessment stage in the form of a test, such as an online essay test which requires students to explain the answers in their own words because there are no answers and is done online. The automatic online exam assessment process for multiple choice questions can be done easily. This is because there is a possibility that the words in the answers given by students are not exactly the same as the answers stored in the database, but in fact the answers have the same meaning. To solve this problem, text mining can be applied. Among the text mining preprocessing processes are case folding (removing non-letter characters), changing all letters to lowercase, tokenizing (separating text according to its words), filtering (removing unimportant words from the data on stop words), and stemming (changing affix words into base words). One of the Indonesian stemming methods is Arfin Setiono. The next step in the text processing process is to assess the text. This study will use the Euclidean similarity method. The result is an online essay exam assessment application that uses the Euclidean Similarity and Arifin-Setiono methods to automatically assess essay question answers, so students can find out their scores directly after the exam.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thesis advisorRobin,
Uncontrolled Keywords: E-learning; Ujian essay online; Text mining; Metode Arifin Setiono; Metode Euclidean Similarity
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > School of Information Science and Technology > Informatics
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Medan > School of Information Science and Technology > Informatics
Depositing User: Orlando Lawrence
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2024 12:04
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2024 12:04

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