Faktor-faktor penghambat kampanye #pinkvoice starbucks Indonesia dalam rangka corporate social responsibility (studi kasus: starbucks Cideng) = Devoting factors of starbucks Indonesia's #pinkvoice campaign in corporate social responsibility framework (case study: starbucks Cideng)

Gratia, Alexis Shanaz (2019) Faktor-faktor penghambat kampanye #pinkvoice starbucks Indonesia dalam rangka corporate social responsibility (studi kasus: starbucks Cideng) = Devoting factors of starbucks Indonesia's #pinkvoice campaign in corporate social responsibility framework (case study: starbucks Cideng). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Setiap perusahaan, khususnya perusahaan besar pasti akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan perusahaan tersebut. Perusahaan yang mempunyai predikat tanggung jawab sosial terbaikpun masih dilanda masalah citra perusahaan. Maka perlu dipikirkan beberapa strategi untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan suatu perusahaan, di antaranya adalah adanya public relations. Dalam Public Relations juga dilakukan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility demi menjaga kelangsungan hubungan baik antara perusahaan dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Yang dianalisis adalah hasil wawancara dan studi dokumen. Wawancara dilakukan dengan regular customer dan karyawan Starbucks Cideng yang memenuhi indikator key informan. Studi dokumen yang ditelaah adalah media sosial dan media promosi Starbucks Indonesia seperti Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, dan website resmi Starbucks Indonesia. Dari penelitian ini, Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa faktor terjadinya hambatan dalam kampanye #PinkVoice adalah karena kurangnya informasi yang efektif dari marketing kepada operational untuk ikut menyukseskan kampanye #PinkVoice lebih lanjut, sehingga tidak ada nformasi kepada para pelanggan Starbucks Cideng. Akibatnya, para pelanggan kurang menerima pesan kampanye dan tidak terlibat lebih lanjut, sehingga kampanye ini tidak berdampak signifikan pada pelanggan maupun karyawan Starbucks khususnya di Starbucks Cideng. Manfaat yang didapat dari penelitian ini yaitu jika dikemudian hari akan dilaksanakan lagi kampanye, perusahaan lebih konsisten menjaga penyampaian informasi kepada stakeholder agar tujuan tercapai. / Every company, especially large companies, will definitely try their best to maintain the continuity of the company. The company that has the title of best social responsibility is still hit by corporate image problems. So it is necessary to think of several strategies to maintain the continuity of a company, including the existence of public relations. In Public Relations Corporate Social Responsibility activities are also carried out to maintain the continuity of good relations between the company and the community. This study uses descriptive qualitative. What was analyzed was the results of interviews and document studies. Interviews were conducted with regular customers and Starbucks Cideng employees who met key informant indicators. The study of the documents reviewed is Starbucks social media and promotional media such as Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and the official Starbucks Indonesia website. From this research, the author concludes that the factor in the obstacle in the #PinkVoice campaign is due to the lack of effective information from marketing to operations to participate in the success of the #PinkVoice campaign further, so there is no information for Starbucks Cideng customers. As a result, customers received less campaign messages and were not involved further, so this campaign did not have a significant impact on Starbucks customers or employees, especially at Starbucks Cideng. The benefits obtained from this study are that if the campaign will be implemented in the future, the company will more consistently maintain the delivery of information to stakeholders so that the goals are achieved.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Gratia, Alexis Shanaz
Thesis advisor
Ginting, Magdalena Lestari
Additional Information: SK 41-13 GRA f
Uncontrolled Keywords: CSR; corporate social responsibility; corporate social responsibility; corporate cause promotions; public relations campaign; tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan; kampanye public relations
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 15 Jun 2020 09:43
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2021 04:17
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/8855

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