Strategi desain Rusunawa yang berpengaruh terhadap place attachment penghuni = Design strategy of rusunawa affecting residents’ place attachment

Afriyanti, Risma (2020) Strategi desain Rusunawa yang berpengaruh terhadap place attachment penghuni = Design strategy of rusunawa affecting residents’ place attachment. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Rusunawa adalah rumah susun sewa yang dibangun oleh pemerintah untuk mengakomodasi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Mayoritas penghuni merupakan masyarakat yang direlokasikan dari tempat tinggal informal ke Rusunawa. Meskipun, relokasi dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup penghuninya. Namun masih terdapat area yang kurang tereksplorasi mengenai bagaimana relokasi dapat merumitkan attachment penghuni dengan Rusunawa. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan dimensi fisik yang mempengaruhi tingkat attachment penghuni, sehingga dapat menetapkan rangkaian rekomendasi desain. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan Rusunawa Pulogebang dan Rusunawa Marunda sebagai studi kasus. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam. Survey kuesioner dilakukan untuk mengukur fungsional attachment dan emosion attachment dengan menggunakan 32 items. Survei dilakukan terhadap sampel acak pada penghuni Rusunawa Pulogebang (n=40) dan Rusunawa Marunda (n=40). Wawancara dilakukan terhadap sample acak pada penghuni Rusunawa Pulogebang (n=3) dan Rusunawa Marunda (n=3). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penghuni Rusunawa Marunda memiliki tingkat attachment yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan penghuni Rusunawa Pulogebang. Penelitian ini mengemukaakan bahwa fitur-fitur fisik dan lingkungan Rusunawa Marunda, seperti taman tematik, karakteristik lingkungan dan kalimat sapaan “Salam MarHaMas” merupakan beberapa prediktor yang berkontribusi dalam tingkat attachment yang tinggi. Selanjutnya, dibentuk serangkaian strategi desain berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Strategi desain kemudian dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam merancang ulang Rusunawa Karang Anyar, yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat attachment pada penghuni. Desain Rusunawa Karang Anyar mengempasiskan kepada ruang publik vertikal demi mendukung terciptanya identitas lingkungan, hubungan sosial yang erat serta pemerataan fasilitas publik yang dapat mendorong terbentuknya attachment penghuni. / Rusunawa is a rent-based vertical public housing built by the government to accommodate low-income people. Majority of the residents are the people who were evicted from informal dwelling and were relocated to Rusunawa. Although, relocation was intended to improve the living quality of its residents. However, there is a less-well explored area on how relocation may complicate the residents’ attachment to Rusunawa. The main objective of this research is to determine the physical dimensions that affect people’s level of attachment thus create a set of design recommendations. The methodology used in this research are qualitative and quantitative, using Rusunawa Pulogebang and Rusunawa Marunda as case studies. Both case studies are set in different environmental settings and will be used to compare the difference of attachment levels. The method to acquire data will be through site observation, in-depth interview and a series of questionnaires. The survey is aimed to measured functional attachment and emotional attachment using 32 scale items. The survey was tested on a random sample of residents from Rusunawa Pulogebang (n=40) and Rusunawa Marunda (n=40). In-depth interview was conducted on random sample of residents from Rusunawa Pulogebang (n=3) and Rusunawa Marunda (n=3). Research indicates that Rusunawa Marunda, shows higher level of attachment from their residents than Rusunawa Pulogebang. This study found that physical and environmental features of Rusunawa Marunda, such as thematic gardens, neighborhood characteristics and social greetings “Salam MarHaMas” are among the physical and social predictors that contribute to the higher level of attachment. Strategy design then applied in the planning and design of Rusunawa Karang Anyar, which affects the level residents’ attachment. The new design of Rusunawa Karang Anyar emphasized vertical public spaces to support the creation of neighborhood identity, social relations, as well as equitable distribution of public facilities. Which can encourage the formation of residents’ attachment.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thesis advisorPrakoso,
Uncontrolled Keywords: place attachment; dimensi fisik; Rusunawa; pemukiman
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 3700 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2020 03:51
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2020 03:51

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