Pengembangan instrumen penilaian matematika berdasarkan proses matematis

Lisu, Widuri (2020) Pengembangan instrumen penilaian matematika berdasarkan proses matematis. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pada tahun ajaran 2019/2020, Sekolah XYZ menerapkan sistem penilaian baru, yaitu adanya tes praktik matematika. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, aspek yang perlu diukur dalam tes praktik adalah proses matematis yang mencakup penalaran, komunikasi, hubungan, aplikasi, keterampilan berpikir, dan heuristik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen yang dikembangkan, serta menjelaskan analisis butir soal dan teknis kegunaan tes. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan Model Borg & Gall. Instrumen yang dikembangkan yaitu tes uraian objektif, uraian bebas, daftar ceklis, dan rubrik penilaian. Indeks validitas isi dan konstruk berdasarkan analisis Aiken’s V menunjukkan bahwa instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kriteria baik dan sangat baik. Koefisien korelasi validitas kriteria sebesar 0,98 menunjukkan instrumen tersebut valid untuk digunakan. Koefisien Alpha Cronbach instrumen sebesar 0,88 berarti instrumen ini dapat dipercaya untuk menghasilkan skor yang konsisten. Lima dari tujuh aktivitas instrumen penilaian dapat dikategorikan memiliki indeks inter-rater agreement yang baik dengan indeks lebih besar dari 70%. Enam dari tujuh butir yang dikembangkan dapat menunjukkan perbedaan kemampuan antara kelompok atas dengan kelompok bawah. Instrumen ini mengandung satu butir soal sukar, empat butir soal sedang, dan dua butir soal mudah. Enam dari tujuh butir soal mampu mengukur aspek proses matematis, sedangkan satu butir tidak sesuai dengan aspek yang hendak diukur. Analisis teknik kegunaan tes menunjukkan bahwa instrumen ini dapat menjawab kebutuhan di Sekolah XYZ karena dikembangkan berdasarkan indikator dari silabus Matematika Singapura yang diterapkan di sekolah ini. / In the 2019/2020 school year, XYZ School implemented a new scoring system, namely a math practice test. Based on the results of the needs analysis, the aspect that needs to be measured in the practical test is a mathematical process that includes reasoning, communication, relationships, applications, thinking skills, and heuristics. This study aims to describe the validity and reliability of the instruments developed, as well as to explain the analysis of the items and the technical uses of the test. This study uses a research and development method with the Borg & Gall Model. The instruments developed were objective description tests, free descriptions, checklists, and assessment rubrics. The content and construct validity index based on Aiken's V analysis shows that the assessment instrument developed is in the good and very good criteria. The criterion validity correlation coefficient of 0.98 indicates that the instrument is valid for use. The instrument's Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.88 means that this instrument can be trusted to produce a consistent score. Five of the seven assessment instrument activities can be categorized as having a good inter-rater agreement index with an index greater than 70%. Six of the seven items developed can show differences in ability between the upper group and the lower group. This instrument contains one difficult item, four medium questions, and two easy items. Six of the seven items were able to measure aspects of the mathematical process, while one item did not match the aspect to be measured. The analysis of the test utility technique shows that this instrument can answer the needs at XYZ School because it was developed based on indicators from the Singapore Mathematics syllabus applied in this school.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Lisu, Widuri
Thesis advisor
Munthe, Ashiong Parhehean
Additional Information: T 69-18 LIS p
Uncontrolled Keywords: development ; assessment instruments ; realistic mathematics education ; mathematical processes
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1028.3 Educational techology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Depositing User: Users 4223 not found.
Date Deposited: 11 Sep 2020 07:52
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2021 02:52

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