Membangun keterampilan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris anak usia 8-9 tahun melalui kegiatan bercerita, menggambar dan coorperative learning

Prayogiwati, Agnes (2006) Membangun keterampilan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris anak usia 8-9 tahun melalui kegiatan bercerita, menggambar dan coorperative learning. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Writing a composition has been known as something difficult and less fun to do by students. This distasteful feeling has reached to the top of their limits. When a student said: "I can not.", that was the most obvious sign for a teacher to do something about her/his teaching. It was found that the stagnation happened at the entry data mostly caused by the absences of self-esteem and risk taking. "As language teachers, we must understand that students' feelings and emotions can determine the effectiveness of learning and our teaching" (Mary Ann C. 2002). Therefore, as the first step of this action research, maximum treatments were provided in order to boost the students' self- esteem. It brought hope that by gaining their self- esteem, students are able to express their opinions, feelings and ideas through well -writing. Those treatments were given in the forms of stories (listening to a story), drawing (making a kind of illustration of the story), and cooperative learning (retelling the story orally in a peer activity). Basically, the purpose of this study is to build students' competence in making creative writing independently. In a further discussion, the following study is meant to answer these three questions: (1) what impacts do those three assistances (stories, drawing and cooperative learning) bring on children's compositions? (2) What are the roles of drawing on children's compositions? And (3) what are the roles of an open ended story on children's compositions germane to their creativity? The following study was held at one of the National -Plus Primary Schools in West Jakarta which applies English as its second language. Four subjects who had serious problems with writing were chosen among thirty three students. There were three cycles discussed in this study. Each cycle started with listening to a story and ended with re-writing the story. The differences were: on the first cycle students were given both drawing activity and cooperative learning, on the second cycle there was no drawing activity, and on the third cycle the students were given an open ended story and cooperative learning. In analyzing the data, qualitative approach was applied by interpreting the raw data and giving some conclusion as the result of the analysis. The following answers were obtained from this research. First, having done the 3 activities, the students showed some improvement on their affective and cognitive abilities which are relevant to composition. Second, drawing helped the students to recall the story, to see details of the story and to create new ideas of their own story. Third, having been given an open ended story, the students showed efforts in creating new ideas. In conclusion, this study shows that by giving the three assistances, the students showed their best achievements in terms of affective and cognitive domain. Therefore, to prepare them to be ready to work independently, the three treatments should be given for several times. / Mengarang dalam Bahasa Inggris merupakan sebuah tantangan yang cukup berat, terutama bagi anak- anak yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Ketika seorang anak berkata 'tidak bisa', pada saat itulah guru harus bertindak. Mary Ann mengungkapkan, "As language teachers, we must understand that students' feelings and emotions can determine the effectiveness of learning and our teaching" (Mary Ann C. 2002), maka diputuskan bahwa pada tindakan pertama diberikan tiga bantuan sekaligus agar kepercayaan diri anak muncul. Dengan demikian, diharapkan anak mampu mengungkapkan apa yang ada di benak mereka ke dalam bentuk tulisan. Ketiga bantuan tersebut adalah : kegiatan bercerita (anak mendengarkan cerita), kegiatan menggambar (anak menggambar tentang cerita), dan cooperative learning (anak menceritakan kembali cerita secara lisan bergantian dengan pasangannya). Pada dasarnya, penilitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun kemampuan anak membuat tulisan kreatif (mengarang) secara mandiri- tanpa bantuan. Dengan melihat peran masing-maing bantuan tersebut di atas maka penelitian ini ingin menjawab tiga permasalahan yang muncul yaitu: (1) Bagaimanakah pengaruh ketiga bantuan terhadap karangan anak dalam Bahasa Inggris? (2) Bagaimanakah peran kegiatan menggambar terhadap karangan anak dalam Bahasa Inggris?(3) Bagaimanakah peran pemberian cerita terbuka terhadap karangan anak dalam Bahasa Inggris terutama dalam sisi kreativitas? Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada sebuah sekolah National-Plus yang terletak di kawasan Jakarta Barat. Dari 33 anak usia 8-9 tahun, terpilihlah empat anak yang mempunyai kemampuan menulis sangat kurang. Pembahasan penelitian ini akan mencakup tiga siklus tindakan, di mana dalam setiap siklus diawali dengan anak mendengarkan cerita dan diakhiri dengan anak menulis kembali cerita tersebut menggunakan kata- kata mereka sendiri. Perbedaan dari tiap siklus adalah: pada tindakan pertama anak menggambar dan menceritakan kembali secara lisan bergantian dengan pasangannya (cooperative learning) sebelum menulis cerita kembali, pada tindakan kedua anak melakukan kegiatan cooperative learning tanpa kegiatan menggambar, sedangkan pada tindakan ketiga anak melakukan hal yang sama dengan tindakan kedua hanya cerita yang digunakan adalah cerita berakhir terbuka. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kulitatif yang diakhiri dengan kesimpulan reflektif. Pada akhir pembahasan ditemukan jawaban dari permasalahan penelitian seperti berikut ini: (a) Dengan ketiga bantuan yang diberikan anak menunjukkan kemajuan baik dari sisi afektif maupun kognitif. (b) Kegiatan menggambar membantu anak untuk mengingat peristiwa dalam cerita, melihat rincian cerita, dan merangsang anak untuk membuat sesuatu yang baru. (c) Dengan diberikannya cerita berakhir terbuka, anak menunjukkan usaha untuk menciptakan sesuatu hal- hal baru seperti akhir cerita. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan bercerita, menggambar dan cooperative learning merupakan bantuan yang efektif dalam usaha membangun keterampilan menulis anak. Oleh karena itu tindakan seperti ini perlu dilakukan untuk beberapa kali sampai anak mengadopsi konsep berpikir yang ada di dalam ketiga kegiatan tersebut.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Prayogiwati, Agnes
Thesis advisor
Markus, I Made
Additional Information: T 69-02 PRA m
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1028.3 Educational techology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Master of Educational Technology
Depositing User: Phillips Iman Heri Wahyudi
Date Deposited: 21 May 2021 07:50
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2021 08:50

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