Hotspots, small world dan trend opini mengenai kehidupan akademis di UPH = Hotspots, small world and the spreading of opinions about academic life at Pelita Harapan

Pradana, Egidhio (2013) Hotspots, small world dan trend opini mengenai kehidupan akademis di UPH = Hotspots, small world and the spreading of opinions about academic life at Pelita Harapan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Small world phenomenon has been a popular object since Stanley Milgram’s experiment in 1967. Milgram conducted a research to obtain the shortest average path to the specified target, who is far in distance, by sending random packages. The result showed that any two individuals that was designated randomly in a whole world were separated not more than six degree of separation. Another experiment was conducted by Nicholas A. Christakis which emphasized on the hotspot in social network and its relation with health and behavior infection. The purposes of this work are to identify hotspots and their impact as well as opinions and trend of social network at Pelita Harapan University. The research was carried out by distributing questionnaires about happiness and opinions on theology subject and academic life at Pelita Harapan University to 20 random respondents and they are asked to recommend two friends which are more popular for the next iteration. The research is done until four iterations with a total of 257 data. From the research, there are 11 hotspots and most of them are found in the second and third iterations. Happiness data display that the majority of students tend to be happy. Regarding opinions on theology subject, most students believe that the number of theology courses is relatively too much. However, they feel that theology subject was useful. The opinions on theology subject about the number of courses and academic life from faculty of liberal arts show weak correlations between iterations with a value around 0.5. The results also represent that the majority of starting point randomness were able to reach hotspot with a single level of iteration. In addition, the opinions possesed by hotspots can be assumed as a general opinions of students at Pelita Harapan University./ Fenomena small world merupakan objek yang populer sejak eksperimen yang dilakukan oleh Stanley Milgram pada 1967. Milgram meneliti jarak terpendek rata-rata untuk mencapai target pada jarak yang sangat jauh dengan cara pengiriman surat berantai. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa dua individu yang ditunjuk secara acak di seluruh dunia dipisahkan tidak lebih dari enam hops. Eksperimen lain dilakukan oleh Nicholas A. Christakis yang menekankan pada hotspot di jaringan sosial dan hubungannya terhadap penularan kesehatan dan perilaku. Penyusunan karya tulis ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hotspot dan pengaruhnya serta kecenderungan opini dalam jaringan sosial di Universitas Pelita Harapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner mengenai happiness dan opini tentang mata kuliah teologi dan kehidupan akademis di Universitas Pelita Harapan pada 20 responden secara acak dan mereka diminta untuk merekomendasikan dua temannya yang lebih populer untuk iterasi selanjutnya. Penelitian dilakukan sampai iterasi keempat dengan total sebanyak 257 data. Dari penelitian, didapatkan 11 hotspot dan sebagian besar hotspot dapat ditemui pada iterasi kedua dan ketiga. Data happiness memperlihatkan bahwa mahasiswa/i cenderung merasa happy. Mengenai opini teologi, mahasiswa/i merasa bahwa jumlah mata kuliah teologi terlalu banyak. Bagaimanapun, mereka merasa mata kuliah tersebut bermanfaat. Opini mengenai jumlah mata kuliah teologi dan perkuliahan mata kuliah FLA ada yang menunjukkan korelasi lemah antar iterasi dengan nilai sekitar 0,5. Data juga menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar keacakan starting point mampu mencapai hotspot dengan satu tingkat iterasi. Selain itu, opini yang dimiliki hotspot dapat diasumsikan sebagai gambaran umum opini yang cenderung dimiliki oleh mahasiswa/i di Universitas Pelita Harapan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Pradana, Egidhio
Thesis advisor
Martoyo, Ihan
Thesis advisor
Junita, Handaya
Additional Information: SK 32-09 PRA h
Uncontrolled Keywords: small world; Christakis; hotspot
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Depositing User: Users 6 not found.
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2018 02:49
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2021 04:18

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