Analisis perilaku deformasi pada material berperilaku auxetic dengan metode digital image correlation dan infrared thermography = Deformation behavior analysis in auxetic behavior material using digital image correlation and infrared thermography methods

Hadi, Ryan (2021) Analisis perilaku deformasi pada material berperilaku auxetic dengan metode digital image correlation dan infrared thermography = Deformation behavior analysis in auxetic behavior material using digital image correlation and infrared thermography methods. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Seiring terjadinya kemajuan peradaban manusia, permasalahan dan tuntutan yang muncul di bidang konstruksi semakin banyak sehingga diperlukan material yang mampu memberikan performa lebih tinggi dari segi kekuatan, namun material tersebut memiliki biaya yang murah. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, maka diperlukan material yang memiliki nilai Poisson’s ratio negatif. Material yang memiliki sifat tersebut dinamakan auxetic. Material auxetic merupakan material yang unik karena memiliki nilai Poisson’s ratio yang negatif dimana material akan mengembang secara horizontal maupun vertikal ketika diregangkan dan mengecil secara horizontal dan vertikal ketika ditekan. Untuk mengamati deformasi yang terjadi pada material berperilaku auxetic, maka dipakai dua metode, yaitu Digital Image Correlation (DIC) dan Infrared Thermography (IRT). Metode DIC digunakan dalam mengamati deformasi yang terjadi secara lokal, sedangkan metode IRT digunakan dalam mengamati korelasi antara perubahan temperatur dengan deformasi secara elastis-plastis. Kemudian, hasil dari kedua metode tersebut diolah dengan program MATLAB versi R2020a. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah pelat berperilaku auxetic memiliki nilai Poisson’s ratio negatif, yaitu -0,910. Lalu, didapatkan data regangan terbesar pada pelat berperilaku auxetic terletak di sekitar lubang pelat dimana regangan normal arah sumbu x terbesar bernilai 0,11, regangan normal arah y terbesar bernilai 0,12, dan regangan geser berkisar di antara -0,09 hingga 0,09. Untuk deformasi elastis dilihat pada awal pengujian hingga panjang pelat 93 mm dimana temperatur masih berwarna biru dan belum terjadi perubahan warna, sedangkan deformasi plastis terlihat pada data temperatur dengan panjang pelat 96 mm hingga selesai pengujian dimana terjadi perubahan warna dari biru menjadi merah yang menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan temperatur pada pelat berperilaku auxetic. / As human civilization develops, problems and issues arise in the construction sector, so that many materials are needed which able to provide higher performance in strength, but have low cost. To overcome this, we need material that has a negative Poisson's ratio value. Materials that have these properties are called auxetic. Auxetic material is a unique material because it has a negative Poisson's ratio value where the material will expand horizontally or vertically when stretched and shrink horizontally and vertically when pressed. To observe the deformation that occurs in materials with auxetic behavior, two methods are used, namely Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Infrared Thermography (IRT). The DIC method is used to observe localized deformation, while the IRT method is used to observe temperature changes and elastic-plastic deformation. Then, the results of the two methods were processed with MATLAB R2020a program. The result is that the auxetic behavior plate has a negative Poisson ratio, which is -0.910. Then, from the data obtained, the largest strain in the auxetic behavior plate is located around the plate hole. The largest normal strain in x-axis direction is 0.11, the largest normal strain in the y-direction is 0.12, and the shear strain ranges from -0.09 to 0.09. For elastic deformation seen at the beginning of the test until the plate length is 93 mm where the temperature is still blue and has not changed color, while plastic deformation is seen in the temperature data with a plate length of 96 mm until the end of the test where there is a color change from blue to red which indicates temperature increase at auxetic behavior plate.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Hadi, Ryan
Thesis advisor
Widjajakusuma, Jack
Uncontrolled Keywords: auxetic; digital image correlation; infrared thermography; matlab
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Users 7059 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2021 07:45
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2021 07:45

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