Pengaruh kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying dengan moderasi visual evaluation terhadap viva hand and body lotion di Surabaya

Iskandar, Shelly (2014) Pengaruh kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying dengan moderasi visual evaluation terhadap viva hand and body lotion di Surabaya. Masters thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh desain kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying pada produk Viva Hand and Body Lotion di Surabaya serta menguji dan menganalisis moderasi visual evaluation terhadap pengaruh desain kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying pada produk Viva Hand and Body Lotion di Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausal yang menjelaskan pengaruh sebab akibat dari pengaruh kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying dengan visual evaluation sebagai variabel mediasi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 100 konsumen wanita berusia 15-55 tahun di Hypermart Royal Plaza Surabaya. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Berdasarkan hasil uji Kausalitas Regression Weight dan Standardized Regression Weight, persamaan regresi variabel kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying menunjukkan hasil sebesar 0,336 dan berpengaruh signifikan dengan nilai CR 2,913. Disamping itu diperoleh taraf signifikansi 0,004 (p≤0,05). Sehingga hipotesis yang menyatakan kemasan kosmetik berpengaruh positif dan signfikan terhadap impulse buying konsumen kosmetik Viva Hand & Body Lotion di Surabaya dapat diterima. Dari hasil estimasi parameter variabel interaksi kemasan kosmetik dikalikan dengan visual evaluation terhadap impulse buying berdasarkan indikator–indikatornya menunjukkan hasil sebesar 0,408 dan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dengan nilai CR 2,981. Disamping itu diperoleh taraf signifikansi 0,003 (p≤0,05). Sehingga disimpulkan visual evaluation memoderasi pengaruh kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying konsumen kosmetik Viva Hand & Body Lotion di Surabaya. Karena nilai koefisiennya positif (0,408), maka dapat dikatakan bahwa visual evaluation dapat memperkuat pengaruh kemasan kosmetik terhadap impulse buying konsumen kosmetik Viva Hand & Body Lotion di Surabaya. Adanya keterbatasan waktu serta dana yang dimiliki peneliti, maka jumlah responden yang diteliti hanya sebanyak 100 responden sehingga masih kurang mampu untuk mewakili populasi yang ada terutama karena target pasar Viva Cosmetic adalah seluruh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian selanjutnya, diharapkan untuk dapat memperoleh responden dengan jumlah yang lebih besar sehingga hasil yang diperoleh dapat lebih optimal / The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of cosmetic packaging design on impulse buying at Viva Hand and Body Lotion in Surabaya as well as test and analyze visual evaluation as moderating of the influence of cosmetic packaging design against impulse buying at Viva Hand and Body Lotion in Surabaya. The design of this study is causal research that explains the effects of causal influence of cosmetics packaging on impulse buying with visual evaluations as a moderating variable. The sampling technique used is random sampling. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 female consumers aged 15-55 years at Hypermart Royal Plaza Surabaya. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ). Based on the results of causality test Regression and Standardized Regression Weight, variable cosmetics packaging against impulse buying show the results of 0.336 and significantly affect the value of CR 2.913. Besides, it acquired a significance level of 0.004 (p ≤ 0.05. So the hypothesis that cosmetic packaging significantly positive effect on consumer impulse buying of Viva Hand & Body Lotion in Surabaya acceptable. From the results of the interaction variable cosmetic packaging multiplied by visual evaluation of the impulse buying based on the indicators showed a yield of 0.408 and a positive and significant impact to the value of 2,981 CR . Besides, it acquired a significance level of 0.003 (p ≤ 0.05). Thus visual evaluation as the moderating influence of cosmetic packaging effect on impulse buying of Viva Hand & Body Lotion in Surabaya acceptable. Because the value of the coefficient is positive (0.408) , it can be said that visual evaluation can strengthen the effect of cosmetic packaging on consumer impulse buying at Viva Hand & Body Lotion in Surabaya . The limited time and funds owned by the researchers, the number of respondents surveyed only 100 respondents so that they are less able to represent a population that is mainly because the target market of Viva Cosmetic is throughout Indonesia. Therefore, in future studies, is expected to be able to obtain respondents with a larger amount so that the results can be optimized
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Iskandar, Shelly
Uncontrolled Keywords: cosmetic packaging; impulse buying; visual evaluation
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Master of Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Business School > Master of Management
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2022 08:51
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2022 08:51

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