Inovasi sistem pembuktian dalam putusan-putusan pengadiolan pidana Indonesia (konvergensi sistem pembuktian dari non adversarial menuju adversarial)

Dianti, Flora (2018) Inovasi sistem pembuktian dalam putusan-putusan pengadiolan pidana Indonesia (konvergensi sistem pembuktian dari non adversarial menuju adversarial). Doctoral thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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In the development of the practice in evidentiary system (the era of HIR and KUHAP), from several criminal court verdicts, as well as some amendments to the Special Crime of Corruption Law, there is inconsistency in the application of the evidentiary system. If there is any doubt, it is uncommon for judges to adhere to the principle of in dubio pro reo. The application of a system of verification in which the judge’s conviction based on any proof that dismisses outside the law, (referred to as onvolkomen bewijs), may occur due to the closed classification of evidentiary system, and the absence of rules on the admissibility of evidences in the Criminal Procedure Code, and there is no investigating judge who will examine the validity/admissibility of evidence in the investigation stage. If viewed from the flow of analytic positivism, consistency positivism is difficult to apply absolutely in the process of evidence hearing, because of the element of subjective judge conviction, whereas there is no standard of judge's conviction. Looking at the revised KUHAP (Indonesian Criminal Procedure Code) that aims to uphold the due process of law, and adopt adversarial system, there needs to be a more detailed regulation of the evidentiary system. In addition, rules of admissibility of evidences, plea bargain concepts related to justice collaborators, deferred prosecution agreement, some arrangements on negotiations / agreements with crown witnesses, as well as the criminal standards or limits required to serve as guidelines for judges in imposing criminal offenses relating to justice collaborator. / Dalam pengembangan praktek dalam sistem pembuktian (era HIR dan KUHAP), dari beberapa putusan pengadilan pidana, serta beberapa amandemen terhadap UU Tindak Pidana Korupsi, ada ketidakkonsistenan dalam penerapannya sistem pembuktian. Jika ada keraguan, tidak biasa bagi hakim untuk mematuhinya dengan prinsip dalam dubio pro reo. Penerapan sistem verifikasi di dimana putusan hakim berdasarkan bukti yang menolak di luar hukum, (disebut sebagai bewijs onvolkomen), dapat terjadi karena klasifikasi tertutup dari sistem pembuktian, dan tidak adanya aturan tentang diterimanya bukti di KUHAP, dan tidak ada hakim investigasi yang akan memeriksa validitas / penerimaan bukti dalam tahap investigasi. Jika dilihat dari aliran positivisme analitik, positivisme konsistensi sulit untuk diterapkan mutlak dalam proses persidangan bukti, karena unsur subyektif keyakinan hakim, sedangkan tidak ada standar keyakinan hakim. Melihat ke KUHAP (KUHAP) yang direvisi yang bertujuan untuk menegakkan proses hukum, dan mengadopsi sistem permusuhan, perlu ada lebih banyak regulasi terperinci dari sistem pembuktian. Selain itu, aturan penerimaan bukti, konsep tawar menawar terkait dengan kolaborator keadilan, ditangguhkan perjanjian penuntutan, beberapa pengaturan negosiasi / perjanjian dengan saksi mata, serta standar atau batasan kriminal yang diperlukan untuk melayani sebagai pedoman bagi hakim dalam menjatuhkan tindak pidana yang berkaitan dengan keadilan kolaborator.
Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Dianti, Flora
Thesis advisor
Adji, Indriyanto Seno
Thesis advisor
Kriekhoff, Valerine J.L.
Additional Information: D 57-16 DIA i
Uncontrolled Keywords: Evidentiary System ; negatief wettelijke bewijs theorie ; Inquisitoir ; Analytical Positivism ; Jurisprudence Positivism ; Evidence ; Conviction Intime
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Doctor of Law
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Doctor of Law
Depositing User: Users 15 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2019 06:32
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2021 04:05

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