Korelasi Linier dan Non-Linier dari Emas, Pasar Saham Indonesia (IHSG), dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah (IDR/USD) = Linear and Non-Linear Correlation of Gold, Indonesia Stock Market (JKSE), and Currency (IDR/USD)

Chittra, Carrina (2017) Korelasi Linier dan Non-Linier dari Emas, Pasar Saham Indonesia (IHSG), dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah (IDR/USD) = Linear and Non-Linear Correlation of Gold, Indonesia Stock Market (JKSE), and Currency (IDR/USD). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Krisis atau kejadian ekstrim diketahui dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas perekonomian suatu negara. Kesalingtergantungan yang terjadi pada saat krisis menjadi ketertarikan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Emas, IHSG, dan nilai tukar rupiah (IDR/USD) dari tahun 1991-2015 yang dibagi menjadi dua periode yaitu periode krisis Asia (1 Januari 1991-31 Desember 2004) dan periode krisis Amerika (1 Januari 2005- 31 Desember 2015). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Gaussian Copula untuk mengukur hubungan linier dan non-linier di antara setiap variabel dan struktur kesalingtergantungan dari ketiga variabel. Penulis menggunakan metode Gaussian Copula dikarenakan distribusi paling sesuai yang didapatkan adalah Generalized Extreme Value dengan nilai parameter k < 0. Akan tetapi, distribusi Generalized Extreme Value sebenarnya ditolak karena p-value <0. Maka dari itu penulis akhirnya memutuskan untuk memaksakan distribusi tersebut untuk memodelkan Copula. Karena nilai parameter k < 0, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa data tidak memiliki heavy tail dan dapat dianggap berdistribusi normal. Penelitian ini membahas tentang kesalingtergantungan antara ketiga variabel di setiap krisis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya kesalingtergantungan dan hubungan linier dan non-linier yang kuat antara ketiga variabel ketika periode krisis Asia dibandingkan krisis Amerika. / A crisis or an extreme event can crucially affect the economical stability of a country. The dependency which happens during the crisis serves the interest of this research. The data which is used in this research is Gold, Indonesia's Stock Market (JKSE), and Currency (IDR/USD) in 1991 until 2015 which is divided into two periods, such as Asia's crisis period (1 January 1991 - 31 December 2004) and America's crisis period (1 January 2005 31 December 2015). Based on the problems, the author uses Gaussian Copula to measure the linear and non-linear relationship in each of the variables and the structure of dependency between those three variables. The author chooses this method due to the obtained distribution is Generalized Extreme Value with parameter value k < 0. Although the obtained distribution is Generalized Extreme Value, the distribution is actually rejected because the p-value <0. Therefore the author finally decided to impose the distribution for modelling the Copula. As such, it can be said that the data do not have a heavy tail and can be considered normally distributed. This research examines the dependency between the three variables in every crisis. The conclusion of this research shows that there is a strong linear and non-linear correlation between those there variables during the crisis and the correlation is stronger during Asia's crisis compared to America's crisis.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Chittra, Carrina
Thesis advisor
Margaretha, Helena
Thesis advisor
Gracianti, Giovani
Additional Information: 96918 ; SK 112-15 CHI k
Uncontrolled Keywords: gaussian copula; kesalingtergantungan; korelasi; distribusi generalized extreme value; krisis ekonomi
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Mathematics
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Mathematics
Depositing User: Stefanus Tanjung
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2023 07:28
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2023 07:28
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/58556

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