Pengembangan waterfront dengan pasar ikan sebagai ruang publik di Muara Angke = Waterfront connectivity development with fish market as a public place in Muara Angke

Wijaya, Tommy (2020) Pengembangan waterfront dengan pasar ikan sebagai ruang publik di Muara Angke = Waterfront connectivity development with fish market as a public place in Muara Angke. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kota merupakan tempat dimana manusia berkembang dan beraktivitas setiap hari. Saat ini perkembangan zaman memaksa kota untuk terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian seperti area jalan, area waterfront, taman dan plaza. Perkembangan zaman juga memicu beberapa permasalahan dalam ruang kota. Salah satunya seperti area waterfront Muara Angke di Jakarta. Area waterfront tersebut dikembangkan tanpa memperhatikan potensi yang ada. Konektivitas antara area waterfront dan pasar ikan terputus secara akses dan kedua area tidak dapat saling mendukung secara fungsi. Pengembangan area pesisir atau waterfront telah lama menjadi perhatian negara- negara yang memiliki banyak area pesisir seperti Australia, New York, dan Indonesia. Pengembangan dilakukan guna menyediakan ruang publik yang baru bagi masyarakat untuk beraktivitas dan berrekreasi. Seringkali area waterfront dijadikan sebagai area komersil berupa restoran, bar, cafe, hingga pasar apung dengan potensi view yang menarik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara pengunjung, pengamatan lapangan, dan studi literatur. Dari penelitian ini menemukan kriteria comfort and image, acces and linkage, sociability, historis and identity, dan uses and activity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang konektivitas waterfront dengan pasar ikan eksisting sebagai sebuah ruang publik yang lebih hidup dan berkembang. Dari hasil termuan, perancangan konektivitas waterfront dengan pasar ikan eksisting dituangkan dalam bentuk bangunan kios, ruko dan pasar ikan modern yang baru. Perancangan pasar ikan modern ini difugsikan sebagai pasar bersih. Sedangkan ruko dan kios difungsikan sebagai area yang menjual peralatan, perlengkapan hingga hasil laut mentah serta siap saji. Pengembangan konektivitas yang berbentuk pasar modern, ruko dan kios dirancang dengan memperhatikan potensi area yang sebagai penghasil makanan laut terbesar. Dengan adanya konektivitas antar ruang waterfront dan pasar ikan akan membentuk sebuah ruang publik baru di Muara Angke yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas./City is a place where humans grow and do activities every day. Current development forces cities to be divided into several parts such as road area, waterfront area, park, and plaza. This current development also ignites several problems in city areas. One of them is Muara Angke Waterfront area in Jakarta. This waterfront area are developed without seeing the existing potentials. Connectivity between the waterfront area and the fish market are broken in access and caused these two areas to not be able to support each other in function. The coast or waterfront area development has long been the concern of countries having lots of coast area such as Australia, New York, and Indonesia. Development is done to provide new spaces for public to do activities or also as a recreational facilities. Waterfront areas are often used ascommercial areas too such as restaurant, bar, cafe, to floating market because the coastal areas have commercial potential and are supported by an attractive view. Researches are done with data collecting methods such as interviewing visitors, field observation, and literrature studies. From this research, there will be found comfort and image, acces and linkage, sociability, historis and identity, and uses and activity criterias. This research aims to design waterfront and fish market connectivity as a more lively and developed public area. From findings, the existing waterfront and fish market connectivity design will be poured into stalls, shop houses, and new modern fish market. New modern fish market design will be functioned as a clean market, while shop houses and stalls will be functioned as areas selling equipments, supplies to raw and ready-to-eat seafoods. Connectivity development which are shaped in Modern market, shop house and stall are designed by seeing the area potential as the largest seafood production areas. The available connectivity between the waterfront area and fish market will create a new public area in Muara Angke which will benefit wider community.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Wijaya, Tommy
Thesis advisor
Srinaga, Felia
Felia Srinaga
Uncontrolled Keywords: Konektivitas; Waterfront; Ruang publik; Pasar ikan;
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 3223 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2020 01:40
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2020 07:21

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