Pengembangan museum di Waterfront tepi Sungai Cisadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi = Museum development on Cisadane's Riverfront as public space for recreation and education

Caroline, Jacklyn (2020) Pengembangan museum di Waterfront tepi Sungai Cisadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi = Museum development on Cisadane's Riverfront as public space for recreation and education. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Ruang publik waterfront tepi sungai merupakan bagian penting dari suatu kota karena menjadi tempat untuk berinteraksi sosial. Seiring berkembangnya waktu khusunya di Indonesia pola kehidupan masyarakat berubah semulanya berorientasi pada air (water culture) menjadi berorientasi pada daratan (land culture) yang berdampak pada ekosistem khususnya di waterfront tepi Sungai Cisadane. Kawasan waterfont tepi sungai Cisadane memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi dengan perancangan museum, karena perancangan museum memberikan identitas dan menambah aktivitas yang ada pada area ini sekaligus mengedukasi masyarakat Cisadane mengenai pentingnya melestarikan sungai dan kawasan sekitarnya dengan museum. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah mengenai museum di waterfront tepi Sungai Cisadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui elemen dan variabel perancangan dan perancangan museum di waterfront tepi Sungai Cisadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi yang baik. Metode penlitian yang digunakan adalah studi teori, studi preseden, dan observasi. Studi teori berkaitan dengan museum, ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi serta waterfront. Elemen, variabel dan parameter tersebut akan diuji melalui studi preseden, sehingga menemukan kesimpulan elemen, variabel dan parameter yang akan digunakan untuk pengembangan museum di waterfront tepi Sungai Ciasadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan elemen perancangan museum di waterfront tepi sungai Cisadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi. Elmen-elmen tersebut adalah accessibility and connectivity, environmentally friendly design, open space/places, activities, identity image and character dan building. Setiap elmen memiliki variabelnya masing-masing. Analisis yang dihasilkan dari elmen dan variabel tersebut menghasilkan 5 konsep besar yang menjadi dasar dalam perancangan museum di waterfront tepi Sungai Cisadane sebagai ruang publik edukasi dan rekreasi. / Riverfront as public space is an important part of the city because it’s reflected as a symbol of the city also for social interaction. As the time goes by especially in Indonesia the pattern of community life is increasingly changing, which is community life should be oriented towards water also called as water culture changes to be oriented on land culture also called as land culture. That makes impact to community life and ecosystem in riverfront area escpecially at Cisadane’s Riverfront. Cisadane’s Riverfront has potential area that can develop into education space and recreational space with museum as a main building, because it gives identity to cisadane’s riverfront area while as well educate the community about importance of preserving the river and its surroundings. This research is abaout Museum on Cisadane riverfront as public space for education and recreation. Purpose of this research are to discover elements and variables needed to develop this study, and also know how to design good museum on Cisadane riverfront as public space for education and recreation. Research method that used are theoretical studies, precedent studies and observation. Theoretical studies are relating to museum, public space, educational space and recreational space. Theoretical studies will be tested through precedent study, so will get a conclution about the elements, variables, and parameters that used in this reseach. Thus research produced element museum development on Cisadane’s Riverfront as public space for education and recreation. Those elements are accessibility and connectivity, environmentally friendly design, open space/places, activities, identity image and character and building. each element have its own variables that used in this research. The analysis result from element and variables produce 5 design concept which became basis in museum development on Cisadane’s riverfront as public space for education and recreation.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Caroline, Jacklyn
Thesis advisor
Srinaga, Felia
Uncontrolled Keywords: ruang publik; waterfront; museum
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 3710 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2020 02:25
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2020 07:36

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