Strategi desain threshold dengan kualitas atmosphere home pada mental health center remaja = Threshold design strategy with atmosphere home quality at teen’s mental health center

Wongso, Jason Aristya (2021) Strategi desain threshold dengan kualitas atmosphere home pada mental health center remaja = Threshold design strategy with atmosphere home quality at teen’s mental health center. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Perancangan mental health rehabilitation center secara umum memiliki permasalahan dimana perancangan ruang tidak memberikan kualitas atmosfer yang ramah untuk anak remaja. Fasilitas tersebut memiliki kecenderungan dimana desain bangunan memiliki atmosfer yang menyeramkan sehingga proses terapi tidak menyenangkan. Oleh karena itu desain bangunan mental health rehabilitation center dengan atmosfer home merupakan solusi untuk menghadirkan suasana rumah di tempat terapi sehingga user dapat lebih leluasa mengekspresikan diri dan merasa nyaman. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana perancangan ruang threshold mental health rehabilitation center remaja dengan atmosfer home? Melalui kajian teoritis dan analisis preseden, ditemukan bahwa kriteria perancangan suatu mental health rehabilitation center remaja ditentukan oleh peletakan ruang, skala, zonasi, pemilihan tapak, bentuk geometri, topografi, sirkulasi dan furnitur. Melalui survey preferensi juga ditemukan bahwa atmosfer home seperti warna yang cerah, pemilihan material kayu, skala ruang yang besar, tingkat kebisingan rendah, dan minimnya interaksi merupakan kualitas-kualitas atmosfer home yang penting dalam desain bangunan mental health rehabilitation center. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa strategi desain bangunan mental health rehabilitation center yang memiliki kualitas atmosfer home adalah dengan memperhatikan peletakan ruang, skala, zonasi, pemilihan tapak, bentuk geometri, topografi, sirkulasi, furnitur dan pemilihan material. Kolaborasi kualitas tersebut berperan penting dalam menstimulasi persepsi user untuk dapat menghadirkan suasana ruang dengan kualitas atmosfer home yang dapat dirasakan oleh pengguna khususnya pada area threshold bangunan. / In general, the mental health rehabilitation center design has problems where the spatial design does not provide a quality atmosphere that is friendly for teenagers. The facility has a tendency where the building design has a scary atmosphere so that the therapy process is not pleasant. Therefore, the design of the mental health rehabilitation center building with a home atmosphere is a solution to present a home atmosphere in the therapy area so that users can more freely express themselves and feel comfortable. This study wants to find out how to design a youth mental health rehabilitation center threshold room with a home atmosphere? Through theoretical studies and analysis of precedents, it was found that the design criteria for a mental health rehabilitation center for adolescents were determined by the placement of space, scale, zoning, site selection, geometric shapes, topography, circulation and furniture. Through a preference survey, it was also found that home atmospheres such as bright colors, selection of wood materials, large space scale, low noise levels, and lack of interaction are the qualities of an important home atmosphere in the design of mental health rehabilitation center buildings. The results of the study found that the mental health rehabilitation center building design strategy that has the quality of a home atmosphere is to pay attention to the placement of space, scale, zoning, site selection, geometric shapes, topography, circulation, furniture and material selection. This quality collaboration plays an important role in stimulating user perceptions to be able to present a room atmosphere with a quality home atmosphere that can be felt by users, especially in the building threshold area.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Wongso, Jason
Thesis advisorPrakoso,
Uncontrolled Keywords: Architectural Atmosphere; Mental Health; Rehabilitation Center; Atmosphere Home; Threshold Space
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Architecture
Depositing User: Users 4632 not found.
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2021 02:05
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2021 02:05

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