Webinar Edukasi Kualitas Layanan bagi SML UMKM Centre BSD = Webinar Improving Service Quality Through 5 Dimensions of Service Quality at SML UMKM Center BSD

Margaretha, Fransisca and K, Benedicta Clara and Wirawan, Stevany Elizabeth (2022) Webinar Edukasi Kualitas Layanan bagi SML UMKM Centre BSD = Webinar Improving Service Quality Through 5 Dimensions of Service Quality at SML UMKM Center BSD. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kualitas pelayanan merupakan kemampuan karyawan yang memiliki komitmen dalam memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik dan bermutu kepada konsumen baik secara berwujud atau tidak berwujud. Bagi perusahaan padat karya, memastikan produk dan layanan yang berkualitas adalah cara untuk tetap kompetitif, seperti UMKM; karena dengan mempertahankan kualitas layanan yang unggul dari pesaing sebagai strategi untuk mendapatkan dan mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan. Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak kepada sektor penggerak perekonomian terutama usaha kecil yang merupakan salah satu pilar penggerak perekonomian Indonesia, yang hanya merasakan sedikit sekali pertumbuhan perekonomiannya. Hal ini disebabkan dari berbagai faktor dan peraturan pemerintah, mulai dari pembatasan transportasi, pembatasan kegiatan hingga kegiatan karantina. Dengan dibangunnya UMKM diharapkan dapat membuka lapangan kerja, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, peningkatan devisa, dan mendorong perekonomian negara dalam menghadapi krisis. Maka dari itu, dengan diadakannya Pelatihan kepada Masyarakat, Masyarakat SML UMKM yang baru memulai usahanya memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan berbasis keterampilan, mampu memberikan layanan yang unggul, bertahan dalam menghadapi berbagai krisis, mendapatkan pelanggan yang setia, menjadi UMKM yang berbeda dari pesaing./ Service quality is the ability of employees who are committed to providing the best and quality service to consumers, both tangible and intangible. For labor-intensive companies, ensuring quality products and services is a way to stay competitive, such as SMEs; because maintaining higher service quality from competitors is a strategy to gain and maintain customer loyalty. The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the economic driving sector, especially small businesses, which are one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy, which has experienced very little economic growth. This is due to various factors and government regulations, ranging from transportation restrictions, activity restrictions to quarantine activities. With the construction of SMEs, it is expected to be able to create employment opportunities, improve people's welfare, increase foreign exchange, and encourage the country's economy to be facing a crisis. Therefore, by holding training for the community, the SME SML community who has just started their business has skills and skills-based knowledge, is able to provide superior service, survive in the face of various crises, gain loyal customers, and become one of the SME that is different from competitors

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Margaretha, FransiscaNIM01541180125fransiscaing2409@gmail.com
K, Benedicta ClaraNIM01541180034benedictaclara0505@gmail.com
Wirawan, Stevany ElizabethNIM01541180103stevanywirawan@gmail.com
Thesis advisorWowor, WulanmeiayaNIDN0322066901wulan.wowor@uph.edu
Uncontrolled Keywords: PKM; Pandemic COVID-19; SMEs; Service quality
Subjects: T Technology > TX Home economics > TX 901-953 Hospitality Industry
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Tourism > Hotel Management
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Tourism > Hotel Management
Depositing User: Users 23095 not found.
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2022 06:46
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2022 06:46
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/46094

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