Metode diskusi kelompok untuk mengupayakan keaktifan siswa pada mata pelajaran akuntansi

Palebangan, Gravvon Anthony (2022) Metode diskusi kelompok untuk mengupayakan keaktifan siswa pada mata pelajaran akuntansi. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran sangat penting dalam pembelajaran. Ketika siswa aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, maka suasana kelas dapat menjadi kondusif untuk belajar. Namun, pada realitanya tidak semua siswa aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran seperti mengantuk di dalam kelas dan terlihat bosan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran sehingga guru perlu memikirkan metode pembelajaran yang mengupayakan keaktifan siswa. Melalui metode diskusi, siswa dapat bertukar pikiran dan siswa terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penulisan paper ini adalah untuk menjelaskan penerapan metode diskusi kelompok untuk mengupayakan keaktifan siswa. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode diskusi kelompok dengan langkah-langkah (guru memberikan pertanyaan berupa soal, guru membentuk kelompok diskusi, siswa berdiskusi dan guru berkeliling ke setiap kelompok, siswa menyampaikan hasil diskusi, dan guru menyimpulkan pendapat setiap kelompok) dapat mengupayakan keaktifan siswa. Hal ini dilihat dari siswa bersemangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran, memperhatikan penjelasan guru, mempresentasikan hasil pemahamannya, memecahkan persoalan dan berdiskusi dengan kelompok. Saran penulis kepada peneliti selanjutnya adalah guru perlu memaksimalkan lagi penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok dalam pembelajaran seperti penggunaan waktu diskusi sesuai dengan materi./ Student participation in learning is very important for teachers and students. When students are active in the learning process, the classroom atmosphere can be conducive to learning. However, in reality not all students are active in participating in learning such as sleepy in class and look bored in participating in learning so that teachers need to think about learning methods that seek student activity. Through the discussion method, students can exchange ideas and students are involved in the learning process. The purpose of writing this paper is to explain the application of the group discussion method to encourage student activity. The method used by the author in this paper is a descriptive qualitative method. A christian teacher needs to understand that humans, including students, are the image and likeness of god so that they are not created like robots but are free to behave actively such as enthusiasm in participating in learning, being able to answer teacher questions correctly and so on. The fall of man caused man to be passive but through the redemption of christ, man has hope in christ. Therefore, a teacher needs to choose a learning method that seeks student activity. One of the learning methods that seek student activity is the group discussion method. The application of this method has been applied by the author in two meetings and the results of this method can seek student activity in the classroom as seen from students who are not sleepy and not bored in participating in learning. The author's suggestion to further researchers is that teachers need to maximize the use of group discussion methods in learning such as the use of discussion time according to the material.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Palebangan, Gravvon
Thesis advisorSusanti, Asih
Uncontrolled Keywords: metode diskusi kelompok; pembelajaran; aktivitas
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Economics Education
Depositing User: Gravvon Anthony Palebangan
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2022 03:33
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2022 03:33

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