Kekussaan media : analisa wacana kritis terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan pendukung revisi undang-undang KPK

Adja, Yohanes Donbosko (2020) Kekussaan media : analisa wacana kritis terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan pendukung revisi undang-undang KPK. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pasca reformasi, media massa dihadapkan pada persoalan independensi yang kompleks. Kebebasan media dari kontrol kekuasaan sebagai hasil reformasi, ternyata sulit bagi media untuk mengekspresikanya dalam pilihan sikap yang otonom dan independen. Dalam banyak kasus, media massa justru menjadi alat kepentingan orang atau kelompok tertentu. Dalam revisi UU KPK, dengan banal berpihak terhadap revisi UU KPK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat representasi kekuasaan dalam pernyataan para pendukung revisi UU KPK. Landasan konseptual yang digunakan adalah teori kritik ideologi Habermas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan analisa wacana kritis, dengan model analisa wacana kritis Norman Fairclough. Hasil penenelitian menunjukkan, pernyataan-pernyataan pendukung revisi UU KPK, sarat dengan kepentingan kekuasan yang hegemonik baik dalam kosakata maupun kalimat. / After the reformation era, Indonesian do not agree to the New Order any longer but inclined and transform to be the PERS that has responsibility to the serve the Public. The latest phenomenon shows that the quality of the media tends to be provocative and choose side. The complexity of this problems are found in the case of Medcom.Id news in the revision of Restriction of Corruption Laws. This research is aimed to reveal the ideologies of Medcom.Id through the statements on the broadcasted news. Researcher used Jurgen Habermas’s approach in order to base the conceptual critic of the research. This research is conducted through the critical discourse analysis, by using the model of Norman Fairclough. The result of this research is able to proof that Medcom. Id serve as the public domination for the government. Medcom. Id is used to channel the government aims while at the same time marginalize and conquer the public thought. Medcom. Id is proven to use the academic discourse to channel monological dialog that serve as absolute thought. This type of public communication is intriquing communication in public. In another word, the result concerns also on the possibility of Medcom. Id as the government propaganda which reporters and academic actors are dominant. Thus, it is very important to think Medcom. Id as not included as one of Mass Medias.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Adja, Yohanes Donbosko
Thesis advisor
Simangunsong, Benedictus Arnold
Uncontrolled Keywords: ; critic ideology ; critical discourse analysis
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 9843 not found.
Date Deposited: 14 Aug 2020 03:12
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2020 02:35

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