Keterlibatan notaris dalam pembuatan akta hibah antara suami istri studi kasus putusan No.723/PDT.G/2013/PN.DPS

Arfana, Ady (2020) Keterlibatan notaris dalam pembuatan akta hibah antara suami istri studi kasus putusan No.723/PDT.G/2013/PN.DPS. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pasal 1678 ayat (1) KUHPerdata, melarang penghibahan di antara suami istri, selama perkawinan masih ada. Namun demikian, terdapat pengecualian sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1678 ayat (2) KUHPerdata, yang mengatur mengecualikan hal penghibahan kecil-kecilan mengenai barang-barang bergerak yang berwujud yang tidak tinggi harganya kalau dibandingkan dengan besarnya kekayaan si penghibah. Adanya celah hukum tersebut mengakibatkan timbulnya sengketa hukum terkait dengan hibah antara suami istri yang kemudian terjadi perceraian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa putusan hakim yang membatalkan perjanjian hibah antara suami dan istri pada Putusan Nomor 723/Pdt.G/2013 PN.Dps. sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia dengan melihat pertimbangan hukumnya terkait dengan larangan hibah antara suami istri dan pengecualian sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 1678 KUHPerdata dan juga syarat sahnya akta perjanjian hibah tersebut sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata.Keterlibatan notaris dalam pembuatan akta hibah antara suami istriyang terjadi pada Putusan Nomor 723/Pdt.G/2013 PN.Dps. ditinjau dari KUHPerdata dan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris adalah dengan membuat akta-akta perjanjian No. 37, No. 39, No. 41 masing-masing tertanggal 31 Oktober 2011 dan akta kuasa No. 38, No. 40, No. 42 masing-masing bertanggal 31 Oktober 2011 maupun akta Hibah Saham PT. Satria Pangan Sejati sejumlah 117 lembar senilai Rp. 14.625.000,-. Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Notaris Dewa Putu Oka Diatmika, S.H., tidak melanggar ketentuan dalam Pasal 4 dan Pasal 16 Undang-Undang tentang Jabatan Notaris, sehingga berdasarkan Pasal 84 dan Pasal 85 Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris, akta-akta hibah tersebut batal demi hukum dan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat beserta segala akibat hukumnya. / Article 1678 paragraph (1) of the Civil Code, prohibits any gifting between husband and wife, as long as the marriage is still present. However, there are exceptions as regulated in Article 1678 paragraph (2) of the Civil Code, which regulates the exclusion of small donations regarding tangible movable objects which are not of high value when compared to the magnitude of the donor's wealth. The existence of the legal loophole resulted in the emergence of a legal dispute related to grants between husband and wife which later occurred divorce. This study uses normative juridical methods with the data collection used is secondary data. The results of this study that the judge's decision to cancel the grant agreement between husband and wife in Decision Number 723 / Pdt.G / 2013 PN.Dps. In accordance with the provisions of the law in force in Indonesia by looking at the legal considerations related to the prohibition of grants between husband and wife and exceptions as stipulated in Article 1678 of the Civil Code and also the legal conditions of the grant agreement as stipulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Involvement of a notary in making a deed between husband and wife that occurred in Decision Number 723 / Pdt.G / 2013 PN.Dps. in terms of the Civil Code and the Notary Position Law is to make the deeds of agreement No. 37, No. 39, No. 41 each dated 31 October 2011 and deed of attorney No. 38, No. 40, No. 42 each dated 31 October 2011 and the deed of PT. Satria Pangan Sejati totaling 117 pieces worth Rp. 14,625,000. Actions taken by Notary Dewa Putu Oka Diatmika, SH, not violate the provisions in Article 4 and Article 16 of the Law on Notary Position, so that based on Article 84 and Article 85 of the Notary Position Act, the deed of grant is null and void by law and not has binding legal force along with all its legal consequences.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Arfana, Ady
Thesis advisor
Sari, Vincensia Esti Purnama
Additional Information: T 56-18 ARF k
Uncontrolled Keywords: Notary Public ; deed of grant ; marriage
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Depositing User: Users 9924 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2020 11:34
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2021 07:01

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