Proses produksi secara live pada program talk show today’s dialogue di metro tv

Stephanie, Stephanie (2012) Proses produksi secara live pada program talk show today’s dialogue di metro tv. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Media televisi mampu menjadi sarana penyebaran informasi, edukasi, serta hiburan. Salah satu program yang popular adalah program talk show. Program talk show pada umumnya berbentuk dialog, debat atau adu argumentasi. Contoh program yang menayangkan dialog mengenai politik dalam format talk show ialah Today’s Dialogue yang ditayangkan secara live di Metro TV. Program talk show yang dilakukan di Metro TV secara umum diproduksi untuk dua jenis teknik penyiaran, yaitu secara langsung atau live, ataupun secara taping. Teknik penyiaran program talk show secara live atau langsung, sangat berbeda dibandingkan dengan program talk show yang diproduksi secara taping. Pada program talks how yang disiarkan secara langsung, koordinasi ketepatan waktu sangat mutlak diperlukan karena acara ini disiarkan langsung kepada audiens sehingga segala macam kendala yang terjadi pada saat itu, akan langsung terlihat oleh audiens. Selama mempelajari serta mengamati proses produksi talk show yang disiarkan secara langsung atau live, Penulis menganalisa menggunakan beberapa konsep jurnalistik, diantaranya; konsep berita, talk show, narasumber, proses produksi dan model produksi. Berdasarkan analisa yang penulis lakukan pada program Today’s Dialogue, Penulis menemukan sebaik apapun persiapan pra-produksi dijalankan, namun selalu ada kendala yang harus diantisipasi pada saat siaran langsung. Program Today’s Dialogue mengalami berbagai hambatan ketika live, kendala dan hambatan tersebut ialah hambatan teknis, waktu, koordinasi narasumber serta persiapan pada pra-produksi yang matang sebelum pada akhirnya acara tersebut tayang kehadapan masyarakat. / Televised media is capable of becoming a tool to propagate information and education, as well as entertainment. One of the most popular program is the talk show, where it takes form in a dialog, debate, or argumentative talk. An example of a program showing political dialog within a format of a talk show is Today’s Dialogue, aired live in Metro TV. The talk show program in Metro TV is commonly produced for two types of broadcasting methods, which are live and taped. These two methods differs in broadcasting techniques, where in a live program, the coordination of time keeping is essentially needed. The reason for this is that live talk show is aired directly to the home viewers, causing visible constraints that might occur to them. During the observation and learning process of a live talk show program, the writer analized its production process using various journalistic concepts, for example: news concept, the talk show itself, guest speakers, production process and the production model. Based on the analysis that the writer had done on Today’s Dialogue program, she concluded that no matter how good the pre-production was, there would always be some obstacles to be anticipated during live broadcast. The solution of those obstacles might not be found in any literature, whether it is the concept or the theory. Today’s Dialogue had experienced several barriers, which were technical problems, time management, guest speakers, as well as a less-than perfect pre-production preparations before it was aired live to public viewers. Today’s Dialogue experienced several obstacles during its live broadcast, among which are the technical difficulties, time management, speakers, and pre production preparation, before the show is broadcasted live to public viewers.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Stephanie, Stephanie
Thesis advisor
Pamungkas, Sigit
Additional Information: LM 41-08 STE p
Uncontrolled Keywords: production process ; talk show ; live broadcast ; live ' effect-to-cause production model
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM(1)-1281 Sociology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 17 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2018 07:35
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2021 08:08

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