Lekatompessy, Theo (2017) Kepastian warga negara untuk menuntut ganti rugi atas keputusan world trade organization-dispute setlement body (WTO-DSB). Doctoral thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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This disertation contain 3 (three) legal issues such as:
1. How the regulation of Direct Effect principles and Peoples Rights at EU
and ASEAN deals with claim of damages concept in the national court in
the connection with WTO-DSB GATT 1994 decision?
2. How the national court at EU and ASEAN practices its implementation in
the recognition of Direct Effect principles and claim of damages process?
3. How to ideally organize the application of Direct Effect principles and
claim of damages concept in Indonesia?
According to this legal research, there are several facts about rules and legal
application in Indonesia which lead to the conclusions that:
1. In case of International Treaty, Indonesia already submits and follow the
WTO Treaty 1994.
2. In case of monism-dualism, the rules and implementation are obscured.
3. Indonesia national court does not recognized Direct Effect principles.
4. Judicial Review are limited only to review Acts.
5. In Claim for Damages, plaintiff is the one who bear the Burden of Proof
And following the research process, there are several researcher‟s advice about
what Indonesia have to do to make things going ideal, such as:
1. When responding the WTO-DSB decision, Indonesia have the ability to
choose opt-in or op-out in dealing with the obedience to implement WTODSB panel decision by implementing CBA concept under the context of
2. With consideration to macro variables; Changes in technology, social and
culture, the attitude of trading partners and also national concern. In 5
years ahead, researcher more likely to recommend Indonesia to adopt
Monism with National Law Primate which parallel with Indonesia First
motto via revision of UU 24/2000.
3. It is better to published PERMA which organize direct effect application
to several cases which connected to International Treaty in Trade and
Investment in order to raise investor‟s trust without violate the constitution
and eliminate the national sovereignity but still in line with global issues
in enviromental protection and minority rights, also with gender equality
and human rights.
4. Researcher argue that the ground of claim in judicial review according to
Perma No. 1/2011 need to be widened by adding unlawful act so plaintiff
will be able to raise claim to the goverment or the institution.
5. In order to lightened the plaintiff‟s burden of proof when a claim is raised
based on Pasal 1365 Kitab Undang-Undang Perdata, Indonesia can adopt
the practice in Phillipines which give the plaintiff a legal obligation to
have State Auditor verification before raising a claim to the State of the
Goverment. / Disertasi ini memiliki 3 (tiga) isu hukum / legal issues, meliputi:
1. Bagaimana Pengaturan atas prinsip Direct Effect dan Hak warga Negara
di EU dan ASEAN dalam menuntut ganti rugi di pengadilan Nasional
sehubungan dengan Keputusan WTO-DSB GATT 1994?
2. Bagaimana implementasi dalam praktek pengakuan atas prinsip Direct
Effect dan Proses menuntut ganti rugi di pengadilan Nasional EU dan
3. Bagaimana idealnya Pengaturan atas aplikasi prinsip Direct Effect dan
tuntutan ganti rugi di Indonesia?
Dimana dari penelitian hukum ini, didapati kesimpulan tentang pengaturan dan
penerapan hukum di Indonesia sebagai berikut;
1. Perjanjian Internasional, Indonesia tunduk dan mematuhi traktat WTO
2. Monisme-Dualisme, pengaturan dan implementasinya rancu
3. Direct Effect, tidak dikenal di pengadilan Indonesia
4. Judicial Review, terbatas pada penguji perundang undangan
5. Claim for Damages, Burden of Proof pada penggugat,
Adapun saran-saran yang penulis berikan, idealnya adalah sebagai berikut;
1. Indonesia dalam menyikapi keputusan WTO DSB, bisa memilih opt-in
atau opt-out sehubungan dengan kepatuhan untuk mengimplementasi
keputusan panel WTO DSB dengan mengimplementasikan konsep CBA (
Cost Benefit Analysis) dalam konteks EAL ( Economic Analysis of Law).
2. Dengan mempertimbangkan variabel –variabel makro ; perubahan
teknologi/social/ budaya, dan sikap mitra dagang serta kepentingan
nasional maka untuk 5 tahun kedepan penulis cenderung
merekomendasikan Indonesia mengadopsi paham Monisme Primat Hukum
Nasional yang berjiwa sesuai moto Indonesia First melalui revisi UU
3. Baiknya segera dikeluarkan PERMA yang mengatur penerapan direct
effect atas kasus kasus yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian internasional
dibidang perdagangan dan investasi yang mendorong kepercayaan
investor tanpa melanggar konstitusi dan mengeliminasi kedaulatan
nasional, serta searah dengan isu global dibidang perlindungan lingkungan
hidup dan kaum minoritas , juga kesetaraan gender dan HAM.
4. Penulis menekankan perlunya perluasan ground of claim pada proses uji
materiil atau Judicial Review sesuai Perma No 1/ 2011 dengan
memasukkan motif adanya unlawful act atau perbuatan melawan hukum
(PMH) sehingga memungkinkan penggugat melakukan gugatan kepada
pemerintah atau pejabatnya atas dasar diatas.
5. Meringankan Burden of Proof dari penggugat pada saat melakukan
gugatan ganti rugi dengan mengadopsi praktek di Filipina, di Indonesia
mengacu pada Kitab Undang Undang Perdata Pasal 1365 untuk bisa
mendapatkan verifikasi terlebih dahulu dari auditor pemerintah agar
mempermudah dan memberikan kepastian hukum bagi penuntut ganti rugi
dalam menjalankan Burden of Proof-nya.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Lekatompessy, Theo NIM00000016897 UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Supancana, Ida Bagus Rahmadi UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED Thesis advisor Budi, Henry Soelistyo NIDN0327095503 UNSPECIFIED |
Additional Information: | D 57-14 LEK k |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Doctor of Law Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Doctor of Law |
Depositing User: | Phillips Iman Heri Wahyudi |
Date Deposited: | 19 Nov 2020 04:39 |
Last Modified: | 09 Nov 2021 03:44 |
URI: | http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/12312 |