Peranan E-Marketing Public Relations dalam meningkatkan brand awareness melalui launching mobil Toyota New Rush oleh PT Toyota Astra Motor = Role of E-Marketing Public Relations to increase brand awareness through launching Toyota New Rush car at PT. Toyota Astra Motor

Tiurma, Leonita (2014) Peranan E-Marketing Public Relations dalam meningkatkan brand awareness melalui launching mobil Toyota New Rush oleh PT Toyota Astra Motor = Role of E-Marketing Public Relations to increase brand awareness through launching Toyota New Rush car at PT. Toyota Astra Motor. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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PT Toyota Astra Motor merupakan salah satu asosiasi tunggal pemegang merek di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang industri otomotif. Inovasi pada produk merupakan hal yang esensial dilakukan sebagai produsen mobil untuk memenangkan pasar di Indonesia, termasuk melakukan berbagai peningkatan fungsi di masing – masing produk. Toyota Rush sebagai sebuah varian produk Toyota yang beredar di pasar Indonesia juga mengalami inovasi pada tahun 2013 dengan adanya produk New Rush Improvement yang diluncurkan sejak bulan Agustus 2013. Penulis melakukan magang di PT. Toyota Astra Motor ( TAM ) selama empat bulan di Divisi E – Marketing PR. Dalam peluncuran mobil New Rush ini banyak menggunakan kekuatan dari E – Marketing PR dengan berbagai sarana seperti games online, e-catalogue, informasi melalui website, penggunaan sosial media, serta acara peluncuran yang semuanya ditujukan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness terhadap produk New Rush Improvement ini. Dari hasil magang dan pengamatan yang dilakukan, penggunaan emarketing tujuannya agar lebih luas lagi masyarakat yang menerima informasi tentang adanya produk Rush yang baru. Karena kekuatan dari media elektronik (emedia) seperti web 2.0 adalah pada jangkaunnya yang luas dengan biaya yang relative murah dan langsung menjangkau pada target market yaitu para pencinta mobil Toyota dan calon pembeli dibandingkan pemasangan iklan di media konvensional seperti majalah, Koran, dan radio. Penulis mengambil kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan e-marketing terutama pada sosial media merupakan kekuatan utama untuk mendapatkan awareness masyarakat sehingga sebaiknya di kemudian hari lebih ditingkatkan penggunaanya bersamaan dengan iklan di media konvensional / PT Toyota Astra Motor is one of automotive industry in Indonesia. Product innovation is an essential key in automotive industry in order to reign the market share in Indonesia which also including improving the current product in terms of the feature as part of the strategy. Toyota Rush is one of the product in Indonesia which had some innovation applied become New Rush Improvement which already launched in August 2013. The author of this article involved in this event as an intern for 4 months under E- Marketing PR Division. During the New Rush launching, several emarketing tools applied such as online games, e-catalogue, internet and social media in order to increase brand awareness on New Rush Improvement to the public. Based on the internship report and observation, the utilization of emarketing is to increase the coverage area of brand awareness for New Rush product among the public. Compare with conventional media such as magazine, newspaper and radio, the advantage of e-media such as web 2.0 are less cost but wider coverage area which also directly to the exact market, in this case all the Toyota fanatics at no time. The author conclude that the utilization of emarketing especially in social media is the effective way to create bigger brand awareness. Based on that fact, it would be promising to switch the advertisement in the conventional media to e-marketing way
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tiurma, Leonita
Thesis advisor
Leksmono, Desideria Lumongga Dwihadiah
Additional Information: LM 41-10 TIU p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Brand Awareness ; E-Marketing Public Relations ; Launching
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM(1)-1281 Sociology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 9 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 07:37
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2021 08:06

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