The activities of lowe Indonesia skin team account management in executing built in, on ground activation, and digital activities for Citra TuWaGaPat Campaign 2013

Santoso, Cynthia (2014) The activities of lowe Indonesia skin team account management in executing built in, on ground activation, and digital activities for Citra TuWaGaPat Campaign 2013. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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In this competitive world, there is no limit into how each product in the market can grow and every organization is competing to be on top. Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is one group of products which has been competing fiercely in the advertising world. Citra is a competitive and strong FMCG in Indonesia. Even though Citra is the market leader in hand and body lotion, it is still important to maintain their position and expand their market. Hence, Citra get the help from Lowe Indonesia, advertising agency, to strategize and execute marketing communication activities. For 2013, Citra’s objective to influence their users to increase their hand and body lotion consumption, which is to change their hand and body regime into using hand and body lotion all over the body and twice daily. This was supported by credible research which shows the importance of using hand and body lotion all over the body. The idea was further reinforced by Indonesian women aspiration to have an overall even-toned fair skin. Thus, Citra influences Indonesian women by teaching them the fun way of using Citra hand and body lotion through the Citra TuWaGaPat song and dance. Citra TuWaGaPat campaign focused on engaging their target market and Lowe Indonesia suggested built in, on ground activation, and digital activities. The execution of built in, on ground activation, and digital activities are not applied exactly as in the concepts discussed in text books. However, they are still similar and the concepts from text books help in guiding the process of deciding marketing communication activities for Citra TuWaGaPat campaign / Dalam dunia yang kompetitif, tidak ada batasan bagaimana setiap produk di pasar dapat berkembang dan semua organisasi bersaing untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Fast - Moving Consumer Goods ( FMCG ) merupakan salah satu kelompok produk yang telah bersaing keras di dunia periklanan. Citra adalah salah satu FMCG yang kompetitif dan kuat di Indonesia. Meskipun Citra adalah pemimpin pasar di hand and body lotion, namun masih penting untuk mempertahankan posisi mereka dan memperluas pasar mereka. Oleh karena itu, Citra mendapatkan bantuan dari Lowe Indonesia, biro iklan, untuk menyusun strategi dan melaksanakan kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran. Di tahun 2013, tujuan Citra untuk mempengaruhi pengguna mereka agar meningkatkan komsumsi pembelian hand and body lotion, dimana dapat merubah kebiasaan mereka dalam menggunakan hand and body lotion di seluruh tubuh, dua kali dalam sehari. Hal ini didukung oleh penelitian yang kredibel, yang menunjukkan pentingnya menggunakan hand and body lotion di seluruh tubuh. Ide ini lebih dipertegas dengan aspirasi perempuan Indonesia untuk memiliki kulit yang putih secara merata. Dengan demikian, Citra mempengaruhi wanita Indonesia dengan mengajarkan mereka cara yang menyenangkan untuk menggunakan Citra hand and body lotion lewat lagu Citra TuWaGaPat dan tarian. Kampanye Citra TuWaGaPat berfokus pada menarik target pasar mereka dan Lowe Indonesia menyarankan untuk menggunakan built in, on ground activation, dan digital activities. Eksekusi built in, on ground activation, dan digital activities, tidak secara langsung diterapkan sama dengan konsep yang dibicarakan dalam buku. Namun, mereka masih selaras dan konsep dari buku membantu dalam membimbing proses keputusan, di dalam pemilihan marketing communication activities untuk kampanye TuWaGaPat Citra.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Santoso, Cynthia
Thesis advisor
Mayasari, Fitria
Additional Information: LM 41-10 SAN a
Uncontrolled Keywords: Built In ; On Ground Activation ; Digital Activities
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM(1)-1281 Sociology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 9 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 07:39
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2021 07:26

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