Peran Miss UPH Scholar sebagai ikon Marketing Universitas Pelita Harapan = The role of Miss UPH Scholar as an icon of Marketing University of Pelita Harapan

Satyadi, Aditya Dharma (2013) Peran Miss UPH Scholar sebagai ikon Marketing Universitas Pelita Harapan = The role of Miss UPH Scholar as an icon of Marketing University of Pelita Harapan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kebutuhan manusia akan edukasi yang lebih tinggi, menjadikan berbagai institusi perguruan tinggi swasta bermunculan dan berlomba-lomba menawarkan jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi ini sebagai jawaban atas kebutuhan yang ada dan juga sarana untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk masa depan. Terutama di daerah Tangerang, dengan maraknya isu pemberlakukan peraturan pemerintah yang mewajibkan perguruan tinggi di ibu kota Jakarta untuk mencari lokasi kampus baru diluar ibu kota, serta prospek positif daerah Tangerang. Penelitian ini membahas tentang salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yaitu Universitas Pelita Harapan dalam menerapkan Integrated Marketing Communication melalui peran Miss UPH Scholar sebagai Ikon Marketing UPH. Dalam penulisan Tugas Akhir ini, penulis menggunakan dasar tinjauan pustaka berdasarkan buku Marketing Connected in 21st Century (Harell, 2002) mengenai Marketing Communicaton. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakaan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualiatif dan menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan key informan dan informan untuk mendapatkan data. Data sekunder didapat melalui obervasi dan juga telaah pustaka melalui buku dan catatan yang relevan dengan penelitian. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Miss UPH Scholar berperan penting dalam menjalankan dan mencapai tujuan dan fungsi Integrated Marketing Communication yang dilakukan Marketing Universitas Pelita Harapan. Program yang dijalankan oleh Marketing Universitas Pelita Harapan telah menjangkau sebagian besar fungsi dan tujuan Integrated Marketing Communication, mulai dari Provide Information, Create Demand for Product, Communicate Value, Communicate Product Uniqueness, Close The Sale dan Build Relationship and Loyalty. Saran yang dihasilkan berupa perencanaan yang lebih spesifik untuk memaksimalkan peran Miss UPH Scholar sebagai pendukung utama dalam kegiatan Marketing. / Human needs for a higher education, making many private University emerging and vie offers higher secondary in response to the needs that exist and also the means to prepare for the future. Especially in the area of Tangerang, with rampant issue of enforcement of government regulations that require high-ranking colleges in the capital city, Jakarta, to find the new location outside the capital city, as well as the positive prospects of the Tangerang. This study discusses one of the private University, which is University of Pelita Harapan in applying the Integrated Marketing Communication through the role of Miss UPH Scholar as an Icon of Marketing in UPH. In this final project, the authors use a basic review of the literature is based on the book Marketing Connected in 21st Century (Harell, 2002) on concern of the Marketing Communication. The author uses descriptive qualitative methods and qualitative research methods with qualitative descriptive approach and using indepth interviews with key informants and informant to get the data. Secondary data obtained through observation and also through a literature review books and records relevant to the study. The authors concluded that Miss UPH Scholar have an important role in running and achieving the goals and functions of Integrated Marketing Communication conducted by University of Pelita Harapan’s Marketing. The Marketing programs of the University of Pelita Harapan has covered most of the functions and objectives of Integrated Marketing Communication, start from Provide Information, Create Demand for Product, Communicate Value, Product Uniqueness Communicate, Close the Sale and Build Relationship and Loyalty. It produced suggestions for more specific plan to maximize the role of Miss UPH Scholar as a major supporter of the activities of Marketing.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Satyadi, Aditya Dharma
Thesis advisor
Tangdilintin, Paulus
Additional Information: SK 41-09 SAT p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Integrated Marketing Communication ; Campus Ambassadors
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM(1)-1281 Sociology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 5 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 07:39
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2021 07:41

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