Representation of family in the movie 'nanti kita cerita tentang hari ini' = Representation of family in the movie ‘nanti kita cerita tentang hari ini’

Leonard, Gilpin (2021) Representation of family in the movie 'nanti kita cerita tentang hari ini' = Representation of family in the movie ‘nanti kita cerita tentang hari ini’. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Selain menjadi sumber hiburan utama bagi penontonnya, film juga merupakan sumber informasi. Dengan begitu, film tentunya sangat berpengaruh terhadap masyarakat luas, dan salah satunya mengenai representasi keluarga. Keluarga sendiri merupakan organisasi terpenting dalam pembentukan seorang individu dan ketika keluarga individu tersebtu bermasalah, besar kemungkinan individu tersebut juga akan menjadi bermasalah di kemudian hari. Penelitian ini akan fokus kepada permasalahan kekeluargaan dalam film karena kurangnya pembahasan permasalahan dalam keluarga, terutama seperti yang dipersembahkan dalam film Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini atau singkatnya, “NKCTHI” Metode yang akan digunakan peneliti adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisa semiotika Roland Barthes untuk mendalami dan memahami gambaran keluarga disfungsional dalam film “NKCTHI”. Analisa adegan-adegan yang telah dipulih dari film tersebut akan juga didukung dengan jurnal, artikel, berita media, dan opini ahli mengenai permasalahan kekeluargaan dalam film “NKCTHI”. Berdasarkan analisis semiotika analisis yang telah diimplementasikan pada tiap adegan, peneliti menemukan bahwa tokoh dan adegan dalam film “NKCTHI” merepresentasikan keluarga disfungsional. / Film have been the main source of entertainment and one of the most reliable sources to convey messages and information to the masses. Audiences are highly affected by their own preferred film choices that helps their view and perspective on society, to be specific on the topic of family or gradually on dysfunctional family. There’s a common believe that individuals who face the issue of dysfunctional family most likely to face challenges socially and personally. Regarding to the lack of focus on the main topic of ‘family’ in films in the 21st century, Visinema has produce a movie name ‘NKCTHI’ that covers the issue of family dysfunctionality in an everyday life of a family in Indonesia. In this case, the researcher has gained interest and take the opportunity with this film too raise awareness and deepened the curiosity thought the interactions of characters and scenes in the movie. The method that is going to be used in this particular research is a qualitative method followed by the analysis of semiotics by Roland Barthes to dissect and to specify deeply dysfunctional family in ‘NKCHI’. This will be done by the collection of theory and concept, journal and articles, news media and the opinions of reliable expert on the topic of dysfunctional family. With the analysis implemented in the movie, the research has discovered the representation of dysfunctional family in the movie, ‘NKCTHI’.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Leonard, Gilpin
Thesis advisor
Leksmono, Desideria L.D.
Uncontrolled Keywords: representation; dysfunctional family; semiotics; NKCTHI; film
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 10457 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2021 08:18
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2022 03:06

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