Analisis yuridis penyelesaian utang-piutang jaminan tanah hak milik berdasarkan putusan mahkamah agung Nomor 3306/K/Pdt/2018

Gita, Monicca Maya (2021) Analisis yuridis penyelesaian utang-piutang jaminan tanah hak milik berdasarkan putusan mahkamah agung Nomor 3306/K/Pdt/2018. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Obyek sengketa utang piutang berupa jaminan tanah hak milik muncul dari laporan salah satu pihak yang dirugikan. Pihak yang saling mengikatkan diri satu dengan lainnya Berisi tentang tuntutan hak atas tanah baik atas penguasaan, pemilikan atau status tanah guna mendapatkan penyelesaian administratif sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Dalam kasus ini obyek sengketa atas jaminan utang piutang adalah milik Adiyanto yang telah berpindah kepemilikan atas nama Ricky Fajar Adiputra. Peralihan hak atas tanah terjadi tanpa sepengetahuan atau kurangnya pemahaman dari Adiyanto yang merasa belum mendapat kesepakatan harga pokok dari obyek sengketa tersebut. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian hukum normatif terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang mendasari sehingga suatu kesimpulan dapat ditarik secara logis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Bagaimana ketentuan pengaturan mengenai perjanjian utang-piutang dengan jaminan hak atas tanah di Indonesia 2) Bagaimana pelaksanaan pengaturan utang piutang dan jaminan hak atas tanah menurut Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3306/K/PDT/2018, Tujuan penelitian itu sendiri adalah untuk mengetahui ketentuan pengaturan mengenai perjanjian utang-piutang dengan jaminan ha katas tanah di Indonesia dan mengetahui pelaksanaan pengaturan utang-piutang dan jaminan hak atas tanah menurut Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3306/K/PDT/2018. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode normatif yaitu dengan cara meneliti bahan kepustakaan dan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analitis yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan. Kesimpulannya obyek sengketa yang merupakan jaminan utang piutang merupakan perjanjian jual beli karena tidak dilandasi dengan perjanjian utang-piutang hanya berupa Surat Pengakuan Jaminan. Dan dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata, bahwa ada syarat sahnya sebuah perjanjian yang harus ditaati oleh para pihak. Serta peranan Notaris dan/atau PPAT dalam peralihan hak atas tanah sudah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris. / The object of the payable dispute in the form of land title guarantee arises from the report of one of the injured parties. Parties that bind themselves to one another Contains claims for land rights over control, ownership or status of land in order to obtain administrative settlement in accordance with applicable regulations. In this case, the object of the dispute over the loan and credit collateral belongs to Adiyanto, who has transferred ownership in the name of Ricky Fajar Adiputra. The transfer of land rights occurred without Adiyanto's knowledge or lack of understanding, who felt that he had not yet received an agreement on the principal price of the object of the dispute. To answer this question, it is necessary to conduct normative legal research on the underlying laws and regulations so that a conclusion can be drawn logically. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) What are the regulatory provisions regarding the debt-receivable agreement with the guarantee of land rights in Indonesia 2) How is the implementation of the management of debts and collateral for land rights according to the Supreme Court Decision Number 3306 / K / PDT / 2018, Purpose the research itself is to find out the regulatory provisions regarding debt-receivable agreements with land title guarantees in Indonesia and to know the implementation of debt-receivable arrangements and land rights guarantees according to the Supreme Court Decision Number 3306 / K / PDT / 2018. In this study, the authors used the normative method by examining library materials and using a descriptive analytical approach, namely the statutory approach. In conclusion, the object of the dispute which is a guarantee for accounts payable is a sale and purchase agreement because it is not based on a debt agreement, only in the form of a Guarantee Recognition Letter. And in Article 1320 of the Civil Code, that there are conditions for the validity of an agreement that must be obeyed by the parties. As well as the role of a Notary and / or PPAT in transferring land rights in accordance with Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary Public.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Gita, Monicca Maya
Thesis advisor
Budi, Henry Soelistyo
Additional Information: T 56-18 GIT a
Uncontrolled Keywords: Debts ; Guarantee ; Notary and / or PPAT
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Depositing User: Users 17920 not found.
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2021 04:42
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2022 01:48

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