Perbandingan pola komunikasi dalam perusahaan keluarga di PT. Alkajasa Tripratama dan PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang = The comparison of communication pattern in family business between PT. Alkajasa Tripratama and PT.Famindo International Multi Gemilang

Tantono, Windyastuti (2014) Perbandingan pola komunikasi dalam perusahaan keluarga di PT. Alkajasa Tripratama dan PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang = The comparison of communication pattern in family business between PT. Alkajasa Tripratama and PT.Famindo International Multi Gemilang. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya, banyak bisnis tumbuh yang berangkat dari usaha keluarga dan berkembang menjadi perusahaan yang dimiliki dan dijalankan oleh para anggota keluarga dari yang mendirikan perusahaan. Posisi perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia beraneka ragam, ada yang sudah go public, ada yang di posisi perusahaan menengah, dan ada yang masih berada pada posisi perusahaan kecil. Dalam menjalankan roda kegiatan perusahaan setiap hari, komunikasi dari setiap bagian perusahaan baik ke atas, ke bawah, dan ke samping, harus lancar dan jelas, termasuk dalam perusahaan keluarga. Apalagi dalam perusahaan keluarga, para anggotanya terikat dalam hubungan kerja maupun hubungan kekeluargaan atau kekerabatan sehingga peran komunikasi ini lebih penting, dimana untuk melancarkan bisnis dan menjaga hubungan keluarga. Komunikasi dalam keluarga itu sangat unik dan berbeda satu dengan yang lain, dilihat dari interaksi masingmasing anggotanya. Sehingga akan sangat menarik untuk meneliti bagaimana pola komunikasi dalam hubungan keluarga di perusahaan. PT. Alkajasa Tripratama dan PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang merupakan salah satu perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia yang menggunakan pola komunikasi dalam mengelola perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pola komunikasi dalam perusahaan keluarga di PT. Alkajasa Tripratama dan PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data in-depth-interview kepada pemilik dan anggota keluarga perusahaan tersebut, serta karyawan perusahaan sebagai informant. Dari hasil penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa PT. Alkajasa Tripratama dan PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang memiliki pola komunikasi yang berbeda, disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik serta jumlah karyawan masing-masing perusahaan dalam mengelola perusahaanya. / Along with the economy of Indonesia which is growing each year, many companies that strated from family business are developing into real companies which are owned and run by family members who built the business at the first place. The positions of those family business in Indonesia are varied, some of them have become noticeable in public, some of them have become the middle-end companies, and there also some of them which are still small companies. In running the company cycle everyday, communication in every part of the company, to the top, bottom, and horizontal position, has to be clear and smooth, including in family business. Moreover, in family business each member is tied down by work-tie and family-tie. It makes the role of communication is more important to smoothen the business and keep the family relationship good. The communication between family members is unique. It can be seen from the interactions between them. This fact makes it interesting to observe the communication pattern in family relationship in a company. PT. Alkajasa Tripratama and PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang are two of family business in Indonesia that use certain communication pattern in managing the companies. This research is aimed to find out the communication pattern in family business in this case PT. Alkajasa Tripratama and PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang. This research uses qualitative approach with in-depth-interview technique as the procedure of collecting data. The interview is done to the owners and the family members in those companies, as well as to the employee as informant. The result of the research shows that PT. Alkajasa Tripratama and PT. Famindo International Multi Gemilang have different communication pattern. The pattern is adjusted with the needs and characteristics, also the number of employees in each company for managing the company.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tantono, Windyastuti
Thesis advisor
Leksmono, Desideria Lumongga Dwihadiah
Additional Information: SK 41-10 TAN p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Communication ; Communication Pattern ; Family Business
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM(1)-1281 Sociology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Mrs Veronica Fitri Astuti
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 07:55
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2021 07:15

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