Tinjauan yuridis transaksi jual beli satuan rumah susun melalui sistem pre project selling tanpa adanya izin mendirikan bangunan (Studi kasus putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Republik Indonesia No 295/Pid/2019/PT.SBY) = Legal review of the ownership transaction of the housing units through the pre project selling system without building construction permit (Case study of the decision of the High Court of The Republic of Indonesia Number 295/Pid/2019/PT.SBY)

Astrid, Monica Fersti (2021) Tinjauan yuridis transaksi jual beli satuan rumah susun melalui sistem pre project selling tanpa adanya izin mendirikan bangunan (Studi kasus putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Republik Indonesia No 295/Pid/2019/PT.SBY) = Legal review of the ownership transaction of the housing units through the pre project selling system without building construction permit (Case study of the decision of the High Court of The Republic of Indonesia Number 295/Pid/2019/PT.SBY). Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kebutuhan pokok bagi kebutuhan rumah tangga adalah sebuah rumah tinggal. Rumah tinggal yang cukup banyak dipilih masyarakat yaitu sebuah rumah susun komersial atau dapat disebut apartemen. Masyarakat memilih untuk memilik tempat tinggal berupa satuan rumah susun bertujuan untuk kelangsungan hidup yang layak dan upaya untuk meningkatkan kegunaan dan hasil dari tanah tersebut dalam membangun suatu perumahan dan juga memberikan peningkatan kualitas yang tinggi khususnya untuk daerah kota yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk dengan memiliki keterbatasan tanah sehingga membutuhkan suatu ide pembangunan yang sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun dan aturan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan proses pembangunan, dan proses Jual Beli melalui sistem Pre Project Selling, Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli, dan Akta Jual Beli. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan terhadap kasus hukum pada kasus putusan Nomor: 295/PID/2019/PT.SBY. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk melakukan penjualan sebuah satuan rumah susun sebelum adanya pembangunan, pelaku usaha wajib beritidak baik dengan memberikan informasi yang jelas kepada konsumen terkait isi perjanjian, status tanah dan perizinan seperti Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB). Hasil penelitian kasus dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil putusan Pengadilan Negeri dan Pengadilan Tinggi yaitu sama hanya saja akan tetapi menurut peneliti putusan pemidanaan kurang efektif, tidak mencerminkan tujuan pemidanaan yang dapat memberikan efek jerah serta memberikan pengetahuan terhadap pelaku dan orang lain. / The basic needs of the every household needs is a place for living. The residential house that is quite widely chosen by the community is a commercial apartment or it usually called apartment in Indonesia. General community chooses to have a place to live in the form of flat units / apartment in order to have a great and decent life and also aimed to increase the use and yield of the land in building housing and also provide high quality improvements especially for urban areas that have a population density with such a limited land availabe so that requires an improvement and development idea in accordance with the laws and regulations that regulated in Law Number 20 of 2011 concerning Flats and other regulations relating to the development process and the Buying and Selling system through the Pre Project Selling system, the sale and purchase agreement, and act of sale and purchase agreement. This study uses a type of normative legal research with a legislative approach, a conceptual approach, and an approach to a legal cases in the case of decision of the Supreme Court of The Republic of Indonesia Number 295/PID/2019/PT.SBY. The results of this studyconclude that in order to sell a flat before the very first construction took place, business stakeholders are required to provide every clear information to their customers regarding the contents of the agreement, status of land, and every permits such as the building permits. It also concluded that the results of the decision of the District Courts and the High Courts are the same, but according to the researcher the criminal verdict decisions are less effective, it do not reflect the objectives of the punishment which can have a represive effect and still provide acknowledgement for the stakeholders and every general people.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Astrid, Monica Fersti
Thesis advisor
Gunanegara, Gunanegara
Additional Information: T 56-18 AST t
Uncontrolled Keywords: Buy and sell ; PPJB ; Pre Project Selling ; IMB ; UU No.20 tahun 2011 ; Act of buying and selling ; Ownership transaction
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Depositing User: Users 17950 not found.
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2021 07:40
Last Modified: 26 Jan 2023 04:18
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/17116

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