Teaching vocabulary by using Total Physical Response (TPR) and audiolingual method (ALM) : A case study of first grade of primary students in Methodist School = Mengajar kata-kata bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Total Physical Response (TPR) dan Audiolingual Method (ALM) : Studi kasus terhadap murid Sekolah Dasar tingkat satu di Sekolah Methodist

Thomas, Michelle (2011) Teaching vocabulary by using Total Physical Response (TPR) and audiolingual method (ALM) : A case study of first grade of primary students in Methodist School = Mengajar kata-kata bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Total Physical Response (TPR) dan Audiolingual Method (ALM) : Studi kasus terhadap murid Sekolah Dasar tingkat satu di Sekolah Methodist. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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This study focuses on the teaching of vocabulary to young learners using two different methods, which are Total Physical Response (TPR) and Audiolingual Method. This study has also set three purposes as the basis of conducting it. The first purpose is to inform how words are taught in TPR and ALM. The second purpose is to show the results that might happen in the teaching of vocabulary by using TPR and ALM. The last purpose is to show the strengths and weaknesses of using TPR and ALM in the teaching of vocabulary to young learners. A qualitative research was chosen as the method of this study. The subjects were sixteen of first grade students, two English teachers, and one principal. This study was conducted from February 23rd 2011 until April 7th 2011 at Methodist Primary school in Bandengan, Telukgong. There were three ways of collecting the data which were through (1) the lesson plans as the documents, (2) observations, and (3) interviews to two English teachers and the principal. From the results of the study, the words were taught in different ways. First, the teacher read through all the vocabulary that learners’ need to learn. Second, the teacher played the audio so that the learners could hear the real pronunciation from the native like speaker. Third, the teacher kept drilling the material by giving exercises with both oral and written exercises. The results of implementing TPR and ALM in teaching vocabulary to young learner were that they were able to response to the command from the teacher without difficulty; the students could improve their understanding in the material; they could answer the exercises which were given by the teacher or exercises which were taken from the workbook. There were also strengths and weaknesses in using TPR and ALM. The first strong point was that TPR created a fun atmosphere in the classroom and young learners could absorb the material better, while ALM focused on the ability of speaking and imitating. There were also the weak points of using these methods. First was that the teacher needed extra times of teaching to teach the words using these methods. Another weak point was that the learners needed time to get used to the methods / Mengajar kosakata bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak dengan menggunakan 2 cara adalah inti dari penelitian ini, yaitu Total Physical Response (TPR) and Audiolingual Method. Penelitian ini pun memiliki 3 dasar. Pertama, penilitian ini berguna untuk memberitahukan bagaimana kosakata Inggris diajarkan dengan menggunakan kedua metode ini. Kedua, penilitan ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan hasil yang didapat dari penerapan mengajar menggunakan 2 cara ini. Terakhir, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan kekurangan dan kelebihan dalam penerapan 2 cara ini pada anak-anak. Peniliti memilih penelitian kualitatif sebagai cara dalam penyelesaian materi penelitian. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah 16 murid, 2 pengajar bahasa Inggris, dan seorang kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini dimulai dari 23 Februari hingga 7 April 2011 di sekolah Methodist. Peneliti menggunakan 3 cara untuk pengumpulan data yaitu dokumen, observasi, dan wawancara dengan pengajar bahasa Inggris dan kepala sekolah. Kosakata diajarkan dengan beberapa cara. Pertama, pengajar akan membacakan semua kosakata yang akan dipelajari. Kedua, pengajar akan memutar audio agar para murid dapat mendengarkan bagaimana kosakata itu diucapkan. Ketiga, pengajar terus mengulang pelajaran tersebut dengan memberikan latihan baik secara lisan atau tertulis. Hasil dari penerapan 2 metode ini adalah para murid dapat lebih mudah meresap material pelajaran yang diberikan. Mereka mampu memberikan jawaban yang sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan baik oleh pengajar maupun dari buku latihan. Namun adapula kekurangan dan kelebihan dari kedua metode ini Kelebihan pertama adalah dengan menggunakan metode ini, suasana di dalam kelas gembira dan menyenangkan bagi murid. Metode ini terfokus pada kemampuan para murid untuk berbicara dan meniru pengajar. Adapula kekurangan dari metode ini adalah para pengajar memerlukan jam pelajaran yang lebih panjang untuk mengajar. Pengajar perlu mengulang hingga para murid meresap pelajaran. Kekurangan yang lain adalah para murid harus menyesuaikan diri dengan metode ini
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thomas, Michelle
Thesis advisor
Wahyuningsih, M. B. Rini
Thesis advisor
Hananto, Hananto
Additional Information: SK 101-07 THO t
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > English Language Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > English Language Education
Depositing User: Users 9 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 08:05
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2021 07:57
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/1887

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