Proses editing video pada review motor di channel youtube otorider = VIDEO EDITING PROCESS ON MOTOR REVIEWS IN OTORIDER YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Naufal, Rifat Zain (2021) Proses editing video pada review motor di channel youtube otorider = VIDEO EDITING PROCESS ON MOTOR REVIEWS IN OTORIDER YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Media komunikasi pada saat ini sudah berkembang dengan sangat pesat salah satunya adalah media cetak yang sekarang sudah jarang kita temui pada era seperti saat ini. Media online adalah salah satu dari perkembangan media cetak yang menggunakan media konvensional seperti Televisi, Koran, Radio, Majalah, Brosur, Poster, dan masih banyak lagi. Pemagang melakukan kegiatan magang di Bintang Langit Multimedia sebagai Editor pada program “Otorider”. Program Otorider adalah sebuah media online yang bergerak di media sosial Youtube yang membahas tentang dunia otomotif roda dua secara lengkap, tetapi juga dikemas dengan konsep yang menghibur. Selama kurang lebih 4 bulan pemagang melakukan kegiatan magang di Bintang Langit Multimedia. Tujuan dari kegiatan magang ini yaitu mempelajari dan mempraktikkan peran Editor pada program Otorider, serta memperlajari tahapantahapan produksi dalam sebuah proses produksi yang sudah diajarkan selama perkuliahan. Kesimpulan yang pemagang dapatkan setelah terjun langsung dalam proses produksi program Otorider adalah bahwa peran dan tanggung jawab seorang Editor sangat besar untuk mengurus atau mempersiapkan seluruh kebutuhan proses produksi sebuah program baik secara teknis sesuai dengan Standart Operation Procedure (SOP) yang berlaku yaitu mulai dari proses editing dimulai dari rough cut, flling, dan online editing./Communication media at this time has developed very rapidly, one of which is the print media which is now rarely encountered in an era like today. Online media is one of the developments in print media that uses conventional media such as television, newspapers, radio, magazines, brochures, posters, and many more. The intern conducts an internship at Bintang Langit Multimedia as an Editor in the "Otorider" program. The Otorider program is an online media that runs on YouTube social media that discusses the world of two-wheeled motorcycles in full, but also packed with entertaining concepts. For approximately 4 months the apprentice carried out an internship at Bintang Langit Multimedia. The purpose of this apprenticeship activity is to learn and practice the role of the Editor in the Otorider program, as well as to study the stages of production in a production process that has been taught during lectures. The conclusion that the intern gets after being directly involved in the production process of the Otorider program is that the role and responsibility of an Editor is very large to manage or prepare all the needs for the production process of a program both technically in accordance with the applicable Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), namely starting from the editing process starting from rough cut, flling, and online editing.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Naufal, Rifat Zain
Thesis advisor
Simamora, Jumadal
Uncontrolled Keywords: otorider; review; editing; youtube
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 13216 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2021 05:12
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2022 07:12

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