Perancangan model sales force automation untuk meningkatkan efektivitas proses penjualan di PT. M.

Yulianto, Hubertus Davy (2007) Perancangan model sales force automation untuk meningkatkan efektivitas proses penjualan di PT. M. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Business process in the sales division of PT M for operational planning and monitoring concern, currently is still done manually and there has been no consolidated information yet. Understanding and knowledge about the specific customers are possesed by the sales force who handles them. So if there is a change of the sales forces, the sales process activities will be hampered. Apart of that, the strategic decision making and the monitoring of sales division performance by the management will be less effective. From the SFA implementation result in the sales division of PT M during two months, it is found out that 30% of all customer data of PT M since 2000 has been updated and 22% of all daily activities of sales forces can be documented. Informations and experiences obtained by the sales forces in the sales activities supported with availability of good customer data, will be processed by SFA into the integrated knowledge about customer and product application. So that PT M will be more focus and effective in understanding the characteristic and needs of the customer, and this will also give personal and professional service to every individual customer. Sales report which is usually received by the management every end of the month, now it can be received at anytime it is needed. Beside that, the time saving of administrative activities in sales division will reach more than 80%. With the capability of SFA, providing the sales report quickly and accurately, it can improve the effectivity of planning and monitoring of sales division performance by the management. / Proses bisnis di bagian penjualan PT M untuk perencanaan operasional dan keperluan pemantauan, saat ini masih banyak dilakukan secara manual dan belum ada konsolidasi informasi. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai customer tertentu hanya dimiliki oleh sales force yang menangani customer tersebut. Dengan demikian bila terjadi pergantian sales force maka aktivitas pada proses penjualan akan menjadi terhambat. Selain itu proses pengambilan keputusan strategis dan pemantauan kinerja bagian penjualan oleh pihak manajemen menjadi kurang efektif. Dari hasil implementasi SFA di bagian penjualan PT M selama dua bulan, sebesar 30% dari seluruh data customer PT M sejak tahun 2000 sudah diperbaharui dan sebesar 22% dari keseluruhan aktivitas harian sales force dapat didokumentasikan. Informasi dan pengalaman yang diperoleh sales force dalam aktivitas penjualan disertai dengan fisibilitas data customer yang baik, akan diolah oleh SFA menjadi pengetahuan mengenai customer dan aplikasi produk secara terpadu. Sehingga PT M menjadi lebih terarah dan efektif dalam memahami karakteristik dan kebutuhan customer, serta memberikan pelayanan yang personal dan profesional kepada setiap customer. Laporan penjualan yang biasanya hanya diterima oleh manajemen setiap akhir bulan, sekarang dapat diterima setiap saat diperlukan. Selain itu penghematan waktu pada kegiatan administratif tersebut pada divisi Sales mencapai lebih dari 80%. Dengan kemampuan SFA menyediakan laporan penjualan secara cepat dan akurat, dapat meningkatkan efektivitas perencanaan dan pemantauan kinerja bagian penjualan oleh pihak manajemen.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Yulianto, Hubertus Davy
Thesis advisor
Miftach, Fetri E.H.
Additional Information: T 39-04 YUL p
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Historic > Faculty/School > Department of Master of Industrial Engineering Program
Historic > Faculty/School > Department of Master of Industrial Engineering Program
Depositing User: Phillips Iman Heri Wahyudi
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2021 05:03
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2021 04:27

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