Pengaruh rendaman air terhadap sifat mekanis aspal modifikasi polimer = The effect of water immersion on the mechanical properties of polymer modification asphalt

Azrena, Martelia Indi (2021) Pengaruh rendaman air terhadap sifat mekanis aspal modifikasi polimer = The effect of water immersion on the mechanical properties of polymer modification asphalt. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Campuran aspal Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) membutuhkan temperatur tinggi saat proses pemanasannya sehingga membutuhkan cukup banyak bahan bakar dan menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca yang menyebabkan terjadinya pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim. Untuk mengurangi terjadi hal tersebut, Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) dapat menjadi solusi karena prosesnya membutuhkan temperatur yang lebih rendah dari HMA sehingga mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar dan gas emisi rumah kaca. Namun, kinerja WMA belum sebaik HMA dari segi ketahanan terhadap rutting dan moisture damage. Kinerja ini juga diperburuk akibat adanya pengaruh air, apalagi di Indonesia tidak jarang terjadi hujan deras yang menyebabkan banjir. Solusi untuk meningkatan kinerja WMA adalah dengan penambahan polimer Superplast pada aspal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh polimer pada WMA dan HMA, menganalisis pengaruh air terhadap aspal polimer, dan mengetahui perbandingan WMA polimer dengan HMA yang diidentifikasi dengan parameter strength dan fracture energy melalui uji tarik atau Direct Tension Test (DTT). DTT dilakukan pada benda uji tanpa polimer dan berbagai kadar polimer mulai dari 2%, 5%, 6%, dan 8% kemudian dikelompokkan lagi menjadi benda uji tidak terendam dan benda uji terendam air 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan polimer meningkatkan strength dan fracture energy sebesar 41% dan 34% pada HMA dan 100% dan 137% pada WMA dengan kadar polimer 6% dari total bitumen, dari faktor moisture resistance aspal polimer HMA lebih baik dibandingkan aspal biasa tetapi pada WMA rasio moisture resistance memiliki nilai yang sama dengan aspal biasa, dan aspal WMA modifikasi polimer dapat dikatakan setara dengan HMA karena memiliki strength yang hanya lebih rendah 2% dibandingkan HMA dan fracture energy 34% lebih tinggi dibandingkan HMA. /Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) production requires a high mixing temperature that consumes a massive amount of fuel and produces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that can cause climate change. Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is one proposed solution due to its lower mixing temperature which reduces the fuel consumption and decreased the GHG emissions. Nevertheless, both mixtures remain susceptible to moisture effect; thus, it requires significant attention for application in Indonesia, where the rainfall rate is relatively high. One solution for this problem is by adding polymer into a bituminous mixture, to improve its rheological and mechanical properties. The purposes of this study are to examine the influence of the inclusion of synthetic polymer product (under the brand name of Superplast) on the mechanical properties, mainly tensile strength and fracture energy, of both HMA and WMA, which will indicate the moisture resistance of each mixture. Finally, a comparison between HMA and WMA is tailored to examine whether polymer inclusion in WMA can replace the HMA mixture. Such goals are achieved by carrying out the Direct Tension Test (DTT) on asphalt mortar specimens added with various polymer dosages, namely 0%, 2%, 5%, 6% and 8%, subjected to total immersion of 24 hours. The results conclude that the addition of polymer up to 6% of binder content increases the tensile strength and fracture energy of HMA specimens by 41% and 34%, as well as 100% and 137% in WMA specimens, respectively. Furthermore, both the tensile strength and fracture energy ratio of polymer-modified HMA specimens are higher than the control specimens, indicating a lower moisture susceptibility, whereas the ratio of polymer-modified WMA is relatively equivalent to the control mix. Finally, the polymer-modified WMA can substitute an HMA mixture based on equal tensile strength and the higher fracture energy by 34%.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Azrena, Martelia Indi
Thesis advisor
Widjajakusuma, Jack
Thesis advisor
Daniel, Christian
Uncontrolled Keywords: campuran aspal panas; campuran aspal hangat; uji tarik aspal (DTT); energi fraktur; aspal modifikasi polimer; pengaruh rendaman air; warm mix asphalt; hot mix asphalt; direct tension test; fracture energy; polymer modified asphalt; strength; moisture damage
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Users 16536 not found.
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2021 11:27
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2024 11:41

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