Pengaruh implementasi manajemen konstruksi rancang dan bangun terhadap kinerja biaya pada proyek interior hotel (studi kasus : proyek interior hotel pada pt. xyz)

Niko, Niko (2018) Pengaruh implementasi manajemen konstruksi rancang dan bangun terhadap kinerja biaya pada proyek interior hotel (studi kasus : proyek interior hotel pada pt. xyz). Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The current delivery method in the construction sector between the Owner and the Contractor is generally the traditional approach (Design - Bid - Build). However, the ideal condition of the delivery method system in accordance with the present era is Design and Build system. This is shown from the data of the Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing, as the infrastructure organisation claim that the Design and Build system as considered more efficient in terms of time and cost comparing to the traditional method: Design-Bid-Build system. In addition, the design and build system is also supported by the issuance of new regulations governing the design and build system in Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing Regulation No. 12 / PRT / M / 2017 on Standards and Guidelines for Procurement of Design and Build Integrated Construction Works. This study aims to find out what matters that need to be considered while using Design and Build management, know the indicators of Design and Build, analyze the result that affected the Design and Build management on cost performance, and improve the management of design and build on interior project. Some of the theories that will be studied in this research are design and build management, cost performance, and interior contractor. The research instrument used in the form of questionnaires that aims to obtain primary data in this study. The research variables were obtained from the literature study of 74 independent variables and 1 dependent variable which was then validated again by 5 expert respondents. Questionnaires distributed to 35 respondents selected as interior contractors. To answer the problem of what matters to consider in the use of design and build management is obtained through literature study that are owner management capability, procurement process, factors of designer team, builder team, project manager team, project scope, project complexity, and external factors. The design and build management indicators are also obtained through literature study, that are 3 indicators: relation with owner, internal part in interior contractor, and project characteristics. Through the research results obtained 2 determinant variables affect to the cost performance which is 82,2%, that are the ability of the PM (project manager) to communicate and coordinate with the owner during the work and the ability of the PM in encouraging the team committed in quality, cost, and time of work. From these two variables, it is expected that the improvement of the role and capability of Project Manager (PM) in improving the experience, education, communication and management skills so that the implementation of design and build management on cost performance can be efficient, effective, and optimal. / Sistem delivery method pada dunia konstruksi antara Pemberi Tugas (Owner) dengan Penyedia Jasa Konstruksi pada umumnya adalah sistem pendekatan tradisional (Design – Bid – Build). Namun terdapat sistem yang dinilai sesuai untuk sekarang ini yaitu sistem rancang dan bangun (Design and Build). Hal ini ditunjukkan dari data Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), sebagai penyelenggara pekerjaan infrastruktur menyatakan telah menerapkan sistem rancang dan bangun karena dinilai lebih efisien dari segi waktu dan biaya daripada sistem tradisional Design-Bid-Build. Selain itu, sistem rancang dan bangun juga didukung dengan diterbitkannya peraturan yang baru mengatur sistem rancang dan bangun dalam Permen PUPR Nomor 12/PRT/M/2017 tentang Standar dan Pedoman Pengadaan Pekerjaan Konstruksi Terintegrasi Rancang dan Bangun (Design and Build). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan manajemen konstruksi rancang dan bangun, mengetahui indikator konstruksi rancang dan bangun, menganalisis hasil yang mempengaruhi manajemen pembangunan rancang dan bangun terhadap kinerja biaya, dan upaya perbaikan manajemen pembangunan rancang dan bangun pada proyek interior. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa kuisioner yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data primer dalam penelitian ini. Variabel – variabel penelitian didapat dari studi literatur sebanyak 74 variabel bebas dan 1 variabel terikat yang kemudian divalidasi kembali oleh 5 responden pakar. Penyebaran kuisioner dilakukan kepada 35 responden terpilih selaku kontraktor interior. Untuk menjawab permasalahan mengenai hal – hal apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan manajemen konstruksi rancang dan bangun didapat melalui studi literatur yaitu kemampuan manajemen owner, proses procurement, faktor dari tim desainer, tim pembangun, tim project manager, lingkup proyek, kompleksitas proyek, dan faktor eksternal. Indikator konstruksi manajemen rancang dan bangun juga didapat melalui studi literatur yaitu 3 indikator : relasi dengan owner, bagian internal dalam kontraktor interior, dan karakteristik proyek. Melalui hasil analisis data penelitian dengan SPSS diperoleh 2 variabel penentu yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja biaya sebesar 82,2%, yaitu kemampuan PM (project manager) dalam berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dengan owner selama berlangsungnya pekerjaan dan kemampuan PM dalam mendorong tim berkomitmen dalam kualitas, biaya, dan waktu pekerjaan. Dari kedua variabel penentu tersebut diharapkan adanya upaya perbaikan peran dan kemampuan Project Manager (PM) dalam melakukan perbaikan dari segi pengalaman, pendidikan, cara berkomunikasi dan management skills sehingga implementasi manajemen konstruksi rancang dan bangun terhadap kinerja biaya dapat efisien, efektif, dan optimal.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Niko, Niko
Thesis advisor
Simanjuntak, Manlian Ronald A.
Additional Information: T 29-16 NIK p
Uncontrolled Keywords: design and build management ; cost performance ; interior hotel
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Historic > Faculty/School > Master of Civil Engineering
Historic > Faculty/School > Master of Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Users 15 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2019 07:41
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2021 06:29

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