Otoritas komisi penyiaran Indonesia dalam pengaturan isi siaran

Sukmawati, Dian (2018) Otoritas komisi penyiaran Indonesia dalam pengaturan isi siaran. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Television programs that are exploitative, seems will only be a common complaint, without alternative or solution. Regardless the controversial of rating and share, as a standard for advertisement company and commercial broadcasting, we have an institution that act as a supervisor for every television program. The institution is Indonesian Broadcasting Commission. In reality, although Indonesian Broadcasting Commission supervised all of the television program, there are a lot of television programs that get a warning because breaking the rule of Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran (P3) and Standar Program Siaran (SPS) – P3SPS. This research focused on Pagi-Pagi Pasti Happy program. The program made this research look at the power of Indonesian Broadcasting Commission in term to keep watch the content of television program in Indonesia. This research approach the Media Political and Economy method, because the political and economy media not only a study about media analysis in general and the problems on media industry. This study also tried to analyse the one who controlled the media. Based on interviews with various source, researcher found that a dialogue, the way chosen by Indonesian Broadcasting Commission in supervised the content of television program, confirmed that Indonesian Broadcasting Commission this period was compromise with television station. The reason is television industry should not die. This clarify that Indonesian Broadcasting Commission pro to the television bussiness system nowadays, as much as possible profit for investor. / Munculnya acara televisi yang bersifat eksploitatif akhirnya seperti hanya menjadi keluhan umum, tanpa alternatif jalan keluar. Terlepas dari kontroversi pemakaian share / rating sebagai patokan pemasang iklan dan lembaga penyiaran, sebenarnya kita memiliki lembaga negara yang bertugas menjadi pengawas segala tayangan di layar kaca. Adalah Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) yang mendapat wewenang tesebut.. Kenyataannya, meski telah ada KPI, masih banyak acara televisi yang mendapatkan teguran karena melanggar Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran (P3) dan Standar Program Siaran (SPS). Studi kasus dari program Pagi-Pagi Pasti Happy membawa penulis melihat secara luas seberapa kuat otoritas KPI dalam menjaga isi siaran televisi swasta di Indonesia. Pendekaran Ekonomi Politik Media dipakai dalam penelian karena ekonomi politik tak hanya mempelajari analisis media secara umum serta persoalan industri komunikasi. Ekonomi politik juga mencoba menganalisis mengenai siapa yang mengontrol media. Dari wawancara dengan sejumlah narasumber, peneliti menemukan bahwa jalan dialog yang dipilih KPI dalam mengawasi isi siaran mempertegas bahwa Komisioner KPI periode sekarang lebih berkompromi dengan stasiun televisi swasta. Alasan bahwa industri televisi di Indonesia tak boleh mati, semakin memperjelas jika KPI pro terhadap sistem bisnis penyiaran yang ada sekarang, yakni keuntungan sebesar-besarnya bagi pemodal.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Sukmawati, Dian
Thesis advisor
Armando, Ade
Additional Information: T 89-16 SUK o
Uncontrolled Keywords: Indonesian Broadcasting Commission ; Commercial Broadcasting ; Authority ; Political Economy
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 15 not found.
Date Deposited: 11 Mar 2019 01:30
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2021 04:27
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/2670

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