Wulandari, Lita (2018) Pergeseran politik sekuler, pembentukan identitas internasional dan penguatan rezim studi kasus: kudeta militer pertama hingga kelima di Turki. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Turkey is known as Secular State in which doing practical political life has
the strong influences from Islam that is carrying from Utsmaniyah Dynasty.
Secular and Islam in Turkey encounter clash that follow with several changes in
governmental system, international identity formation and regime strengthening
through the ruling government actor. Turkey has been through difficult moment
with coup histories for four times in 1960, 1971, 1980 and 1997 which capable to
overthrowing the ruling government. After the forth coup in 1997, Turkey has a
stable political condition under Erdogan’s regime until there’s a military coup
moment on 2016 which has failure to overthrow Erdogan’s regime. How’s the
political dynamics and the policies that leads to international identity formations
in the first to the fifth coup period? How’s Erdogan’s regime through AKP can
influenced the fifth coup failure?
This thesis is built using qualitative research strategy methodology,
through case study which comparing the coup cases that has happen in Turkey.
Author will explore the process, activities and moments from several coups that
happen and especially 2016. This thesis is descriptive analytic and based on
literature review (books and Journal), interview and interview observation from
This research result are: first, secular politic influence is shift along with
the military authority that is weakened. Second, the ruling actor is form the
international identity through policies in each coup period. Third, Erdogan’s
regime through AKP build Turkey’s international identity which is pro West
countries related with EU and NATO also in the other hands as an Islamic
countries leader in the global world. Forth, indicated Erdogan’s regime
strengthening with the new constitution referendum on April 2017 after the failure
of military coup 2016. / Turki merupakan contoh negara sekuler dalam menjalankan kehidupan
perpolitikan kental oleh pengaruh Islam karena latar belakangnya dari
Kekhalifahan Utsmaniyah. Sekuler dan Islam di Turki selalu mengalami gejolak
yang mengakibatkan perubahan dalam menentukan sistem pemerintahan,
pembentukan identitas internasional dan penguatan rezim oleh aktor pemerintah
yang berkuasa. Turki mempunyai sejarah kudeta yang kelam sebanyak empat kali
yaitu tahun 1960, 1971, 1980 dan 1997 yang mampu menggulingkan
pemerintahan yang berkuasa. Paska kudeta keempat tahun 1997, kondisi politik
Turki bisa dikatakan stabil dibawah kepemimpinan Erdogan hingga terjadi
peristiwa kudeta militer kelima tahun 2016 namun akhirnya gagal menggulingkan
pemerintahan Erdogan. Bagaimana dinamika politik dan kebijakan-kebijakan
yang mengarah pada pembentukan identitas internasional pada kudeta pertama
hingga kelima? Bagaimana penguatan rezim Erdogan melalui partai AKP mampu
menggagalkan kudeta kelima tahun 2016?
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mengikuti strategi kualitatif menggunakan
studi perbandingan kasus-kasus kudeta di Turki. Penulis akan mengeksplorasi
proses, aktivitas dan peristiwa dari sejumlah kudeta yang pernah terjadi di Turki
kemudian mengkerucut pada kudeta tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif
analitis berdasarkan studi pustaka, wawancara dan observasi melalui data dari
berbagai literature (buku dan jurnal), wawancara, maupun observasi melalui
Hasil penelitian ini adalah: pertama, bahwa politik sekuler bergeser
pengaruhnya seiring dengan melemahnya kewenangan militer. Kedua, aktor yang
berkuasa pada masing-masing periode kudeta membentuk identitas internasional
dengan kebijakan-kabijakan yang dijalankan. Ketiga, pemerintahan Erdogan
melalui partai AKP membentuk identitas internasional Turki yang pro Barat
khususnya EU dan NATO sekaligus sebagai pemimpin negara-negara Islam di
dunia. Keempat, adanya indikasi penguatan rezim Erdogan dengan adanya
referendum April 2017 paska kudeta militer yang gagal tahun 2016.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Wulandari, Lita NIM00000022708 UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Daulay, Richard NIDN2313125201 UNSPECIFIED |
Additional Information: | T 88-16 WUL p |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Secular ; International Identity ; Regime Strengthening ; Military Coup first to fifth in Turkey |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JZ International relations |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of International Relations Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of International Relations |
Depositing User: | Users 15 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 04 Apr 2019 01:08 |
Last Modified: | 24 Feb 2022 07:30 |
URI: | http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/2688 |