Christy, Suawa, Natania Abigail (2021) Evaluasi potensi jamur Aspergillus TM3 dalam mendekolorisasi pewarna tekstil komersial = The evaluation of the potential of Aspergillus TM3 in decolorizing commercial textile dye. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Pencemaran sumber air dan wilayah perairan di Indonesia, salah satunya oleh limbah cair pewarna tekstil yang dihasilkan sektor industri tekstil menjadi permasalahan pelik yang perlu segera diselesaikan. Dekolorisasi melalui proses biologi menjadi salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan terkait ketersediaan dan keefektifan mikroorganisme, serta biaya operasional yang lebih murah. Jamur Aspergillus merupakan genus jamur yang diketahui banyak berperan dalam proses dekolorisasi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan serangkaian pengujian untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan dan mekanisme dekolorisasi pewarna tekstil komersial yang dikembangkan oleh isolat jamur Aspergillus TM3 pada penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, isolat jamur Aspergillus TM3 memiliki kemampuan untuk mendekolorisasi pewarna tekstil komersial dengan rentang konsentrasi yang luas, yakni 0,0075 % hingga 0,05 % (~75-500 ppm) dengan persentase dekolorisasi tertinggi mencapai 100 % pada waktu 3-7 hari. Isolat jamur Aspergillus TM3 juga diketahui paling baik digunakan untuk mendekolorisasi pewarna tekstil komersial dengan warna hitam dan merah tua. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada tahap evaluasi mekanisme dekolorisasi, isolat jamur ini diperkirakan mengembangkan mekanisme biosorpsi dan biodegradasi. Hasil ini didukung oleh hasil pengamatan penyerapan warna pada biomassa jamur, terbentuknya peak penyerapan warna baru selama beberapa hari proses dekolorisasi dan hasil uji peroksidase secara kualitatif yang menunjukkan hasil positif dan keberadaannya berhasil dikonfirmasi secara molekuler. Dengan demikian. Isolate jamur Aspergillus TM3 berpotensi dan layak dikembangkan sebagai agen dekolorisasi untuk menangani pencemaran limbah cair pewarna tekstil komersial pada wilayah perairan.
Pollution of water sources and territorial waters in Indonesia, one of which is caused by the liquid waste of textile dyes produced by the textile industry becomes a complicated problem that needs to be resolved immediately. Decolorization through biological processes is one of the solutions that can be done because it has several advantages related to the availability and effectiveness of microorganisms, as well as cheaper operational costs. Aspergillus fungus is a genus of fungi that are known to play a large role in the process of decolorization. Therefore, a series of tests were carried out to evaluate the ability and mechanism of commercial textile dye decolorization developed by the fungi isolate of Aspergillus TM3. Based on the results of the study, Aspergillus TM3 isolate can decolorize commercial textile dyes with a wide concentration range, namely 0.0075 % to 0.05 % (~75-500 ppm) with the highest percentage of decolorization reaching 100 % within 3-7 days. Aspergillus TM3 isolates are also known to be best used to decolorize commercial textile dyes in black and dark red. Based on the results at the evaluation stage of decolorization mechanism, this fungal isolate is expected to develop biosorption and biodegradation mechanisms. This result is supported by the observation of color absorption in fungal biomass, the formation of new color absorption peaks during several days of decolorization process and positive result in qualitative peroxidase test and its existence was molecularly confirmed. Thus, the isolate of Aspergillus TM3 fungi potentially and feasibly developed as a decolorization agent to deal with liquid waste pollution of commercial textile dyes in aquatic areas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Christy, Suawa, Natania Abigail NIM00000025953 UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Pinontoan, Reinhard NIDN0325046502 Thesis advisor Victor, Hans NIDN0309049301 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pewarna tekstil; limbah industri; pencemaran; pencemaran perairan; dekolorisasi; jamur; Aspergillus; Aspergillus welwitschiae spektrofotometri; uji peroksidase; biodegradasi; biosorpsi; genome assembly; genome annotation; heme peroxidase; laccase; catalase; textile dyes; industrial waste; pollution; water pollution; dye decolorization; fungi; spectrophotometry; peroxide test; biodegradation; biosorption |
Subjects: | Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology |
Depositing User: | Users 3796 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 09 Mar 2021 02:43 |
Last Modified: | 25 Feb 2022 03:56 |
URI: | |