Analisis pengaruh just in time (jit) dalam meningkatkan kinerja waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gathering station di Tarakan Kaltim

Yudy, Robertus Suyudono (2017) Analisis pengaruh just in time (jit) dalam meningkatkan kinerja waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gathering station di Tarakan Kaltim. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The demand for energy of fuel oil in Indonesia is increasing, by 2016 reaching 1.6 million barrels oil / day while the capacity of refineries and the national production of 850 thousand barrels oil / day, it is necessary to drilling oil and the preparation of the facility of the refinery / gathering station (GS) Oil pile tank and its supporting equipment. The role of GS / oil collection stations in the oil production process is very important and can affect the whole production system. Crude oil that comes out of the bowels of the earth is still mixed with water and gas it is necessary to process the crude oil starting from the separation of oil with water and oil with gas, this process is in a place called a gathering station (GS). This research is about "Study Inside" of GS project starting from site preparation, sondir, construction of foundation, tank structure of type welded pile, piping, instrument and fire protection system that focuses on the study of time. Based on data, there is often a delay in the completion of the refinery project causing significant losses (Media Indonesia 29 July 2016). The method used to improve the performance of time selected method of Just In Time (JIT). JIT is a construction system designed to increase productivity, gain quality, reduce costs, and achieve the most efficient delivery time by eliminating all types of waste in the construction process so that the company is able to deliver the project according to the will of the customer on time. Data were collected on the basis of similar project questionnaires from the viewpoint of the assignor / owner processed by looking for correlation, intercorrelation, factor analysis, regression to obtaining the determinant variable. The results of Just In Time (JIT) variables that affect the performance of time are X45, X23, X1, X33, X4, X61. JIT in the procurement process of long lead items (gensets, pumps, electrical panels & instrument equipment) of 58.5%, JIT in the process of procurement, storage, maintenance, installation of equipment, materials, equipment and equipment prepared by owner of 42.4%, JIT completion study Eligibility of 30.8%, JIT experience and 29.1% of employee skills, JIT in 26.4% auction process and JIT initial operational equipment such as start-up, testing, adjustment and system balancing of 17.4%. Construction management must play an active role in the improvement of the above JIT determinant variables in order to successfully accelerate the completion of the Government of Indonesia's strategic project in the field of Energy and Human Resources. / Kebutuhan energi bahan bakar minyak di Indonesia semakin meningkat, pada tahun 2016 mencapai 1.6 jt barrels oil/ hari sedangkan kapasitas kilang dan produksi nasional 850 ribu barrels oil/ hari, maka perlu dilakukan pemboran minyak serta penyiapan fasilitas kilang/ gathering station (GS) terdiri dari tangki timbun minyak beserta peralatan penunjangnya. Peran GS/ stasiun pengumpul minyak dalam proses produksi minyak sangat penting dan dapat mempengaruhi sistem produksi secara keseluruhan. Minyak mentah yang keluar dari perut bumi masih bercampur dengan air dan gas maka perlu untuk mengolah minyak mentah tersebut mulai dari pemisahan minyak dengan air dan minyak dengan gas, proses ini berada dalam suatu tempat yang disebut gathering station (GS). Penelitian ini tentang “Kajian Just In Time” proyek GS mulai dari site preparation, sondir, konstruksi pondasi, struktur tangki timbun type welded, piping, instrument dan fire protection system yang menitikberatkan pada kajian waktu. Berdasarkan data sering terjadi keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek kilang sehingga menyebabkan kerugian yang signifikan (Media Indonesia 29 Juli 2016). Metode yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja waktu dipilih metode Just In Time (JIT). JIT adalah suatu sistem konstruksi yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, mendapatkan kualitas, menekan biaya, dan mencapai waktu penyerahan seefisien mungkin dengan menghapus seluruh jenis pemborosan yang terdapat dalam proses konstruksi sehingga perusahaan mampu menyerahkan proyeknya sesuai kehendak konsumen tepat waktu. Data dikumpulkan berdasarkan dari kuisioner proyek yang sejenis dari sudut pandang pemberi tugas/ owner diolah dengan mencari korelasi, interkorelasi , análisis faktor, regresi sampai mendapatkan variabel penentu. Hasil dari variabel Just In Time (JIT) yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja waktu yaitu X45, X23, X1, X33, X4, X61. JIT pada proses pengadaan barang long lead items (genset, pompa, panel elektrikal & peralatan instrument) sebesar 58.5%, JIT pada proses pengadaan, penyimpanan, pemeliharaan, pemasangan peralatan, bahan, perlengkapan dan equipment yang disiapkan owner sebesar 42.4%, JIT penyelesaian study kelayakan sebesar 30,8%, JIT pengalaman dan skill pekerja sebesar 29,1%, JIT dalam proses lelang 26,4% dan JIT operasional awal peralatan seperti start-up, pengujian, penyesuaian dan penyeimbangan sistem sebesar 17,4%. Manajemen konstruksi harus berperan aktif dalam melakukan improvement terhadap variabel penentu JIT diatas agar dapat mensukseskan percepatan penyelesaian proyek strategis Pemerintah RI dalam bidang Energi dan Sumber Daya Manusia.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Yudy, Robertus Suyudono
Thesis advisor
Simanjuntak, Manlian Ronald A.
Additional Information: T 29-15 YUD a
Uncontrolled Keywords: just in time ; gathering stations ; oil storage tanks ; study time
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Historic > Faculty/School > Master of Civil Engineering
Historic > Faculty/School > Master of Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Phillips Iman Heri Wahyudi
Date Deposited: 21 May 2021 06:54
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2022 03:13

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