Gambaran pelaksanaan monitoring perawat berdasarkan early warning score (ews) di satu rumah sakit swasta di indonesia bagian tengah = a description of the implementation of nurse monitoring based on early warning score (ews) in a private hospital in central Indonesia.

La’a, Destryna and Rambi, Mega Rima (2018) Gambaran pelaksanaan monitoring perawat berdasarkan early warning score (ews) di satu rumah sakit swasta di indonesia bagian tengah = a description of the implementation of nurse monitoring based on early warning score (ews) in a private hospital in central Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Early Warning Score (EWS) merupakan sistem penilaian dini untuk mendeteksi perburukan pasien dalam menentukan apakah pasien berisiko untuk mendapat perawatan di Intensive Care Unit (ICU), henti jantung atau mengalami kematian dalam waktu 24 jam. EWS telah digunakan oleh rumah sakit untuk mengidentifikasi dan merespon keadaan pasien dengan menggunakan parameter fisiologis seperti: respiration rate, oxygen saturation, any supplemental oxygen, temperature, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, level of consciousness sebagai pemantauan rutin pasien. Perburukan pasien dapat terjadi ketika evaluasi dan pelaksanaan EWS tidak sesuai dengan algoritma. Hal tersebut mengharuskan tim medis dan perawat untuk memiliki kompetensi yang profesional dalam memantau, mengukur dan mengevaluasi keadaan pasien. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan monitoring perawat berdasarkan EWS di satu Rumah Sakit Swasta di Indonesia bagian tengah. Metode penelitian menggunakan descriptive quantitative dengan survei dan crosssectional menggunakan lembar observasi. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh perawat yang bekerja di ruang rawat inap sebanyak 38 orang dengan sampel berjumlah 36 responden. Hasil penelitian ditemukan pelaksanaan monitoring perawat berdasarkan EWS tidak dilaksanakan 100% sesuai dengan algoritma. Saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya adalah melibatkan responden yang lebih banyak, waktu penelitian pada semua shift dinas, dan mengembangkan penelitian mengenai faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kepatuhan perawat dalam pelaksanaan monitoring berdasarkan EWS = Early Warning Score (EWS) is an early assessment system to detect patient deterioration in determining whether a patient is at risk for treatment in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), cardiac arrest or death within 24 hours. EWS has been used by hospitals to identify and respond to patients' conditions using physiological parameters: respiration rate, oxygen saturation, any supplemental oxygen, temperature, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, level of consciousness as routine monitoring. Patient deterioration can occur when the EWS evaluation and implementation don’t match the algorithm. This requires the nurses to have professional competence in monitoring, measuring and evaluating the patient's condition. The purpose of the study was to know description of the implementation of nurse monitoring based on EWS in a private hospital in central Indonesia. The research method uses descriptive quantitative by survey and cross sectional using observation sheets. The study population was 38 nurses who worked in the inpatient room with a sample of 36 respondents. The results of the study found that monitoring of nurses based on EWS was not carried out 100% according to the algorithm. Suggestions for further researchers are to involve more respondents, research time on all shifts, and develop research on factors that can influence nurses' compliance in monitoring based on EWS.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
La’a, Destryna
Rambi, Mega Rima
Thesis advisor
Manik, Marisa Junianti
Thesis advisor
Patrisia, Ineke
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pelaksanaan monitoring; Early Warning Score; Implementation monitoring; Early Warning Score
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 May 2019 00:49
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2020 00:31

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