Gambaran tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang discharge planning pasien tuberkulosis paru dengan obat anti tuberkulosis di satu rumah sakit swasta Indonesia bagian tengah = description of nurse knowledge about discharge planning patient pulmonary tuberculosis with antituberculosis drugs in one of central Indonesia private hospital.

Tapalawene, Claudia, Sigalingging, Evelyn Gladis and Salukh, Resliani Catrine (2018) Gambaran tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang discharge planning pasien tuberkulosis paru dengan obat anti tuberkulosis di satu rumah sakit swasta Indonesia bagian tengah = description of nurse knowledge about discharge planning patient pulmonary tuberculosis with antituberculosis drugs in one of central Indonesia private hospital. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kasus kekambuhan TB paru dapat menjadi salah satu bukti kurangnya pemahaman pasien terhadap perawatan mandiri di rumah. Hal ini menunjukkan kurangnya kesiapan pasien untuk dipulangkan. Discharge planning harus dilaksanakan oleh perawat secara terstruktur dimulai dari pengkajian saat pasien masuk ke rumah sakit sampai pasien pulang. Perawat merupakan salah satu tim discharge planning yang bertanggung jawab atas kesiapan pasien pulang. Pengetahuan perawat diperlukan agar bisa memberikan pengertian yang baik dalam perencanaan pulang pasien. Tujuan : Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum mengenai tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang discharge planning pasien tuberkulosis paru dengan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini memiliki sampel berjumlah 23 perawat dari ruang In Patient Department dan Out Patient Department di salah satu Rumah Sakit swasta di Indonesia bagian tengah dengan teknik pengambilan sampel ialah total sampling dan instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner. Hasil : Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil 10 (43.5%) responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan tinggi, 13 (56.5%) responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan sedang tentang discharge planning pasien tuberkulosis paru dengan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis. Saran : Peneliti menyarankan agar penelitian selanjutnya meneliti tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan discharge planning tuberkulosis paru dengan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis = The case of pulmonary tuberculosis recurrence can be one proof of the patient's lack of resistance to self-care at home. This case indicates a lack of patient readiness for patient discharge. Discharge planning should be carried out by nurses in a structured, starting from the assessment when the patient is admitted to the hospital until the patient goes home. Nurse is one of the discharge planning teams who responsible for the readiness of the patient to go home. Adequate nurse knowledge is needed in order to provide a good understanding in discharge planning of patients. Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the level of nurse knowledge about discharge planning of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with anti-tuberculosis drugs. Method: This research used descriptive quantitative research design. In this research we got 23 samples from inpatient and outpatient room in one of central Indonesia private hospital with sampling technique is total sampling and instrment used in the form of questionnaire. Result : that 10 (43.5%) respondents have high knowledge level, and 13 (56.5%) of respondents have medium knowledge about discharge planning patient of pulmonary tuberculosis with anti-tuberculosis drug. Recomendation : Researchers recomend that further research is about factors that influence the success of pulmonary tuberculosis discharge planning with anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tapalawene, Claudia
Sigalingging, Evelyn Gladis
Salukh, Resliani Catrine
Thesis advisor
Sitorus, Fiolenty Bertina M.
Thesis advisor
Theresia, Theresia
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tuberkulosis paru; discharge planning; tingkat pengetahuan perawat; Pulmonary tuberculosis; discharge planning; nurse knowledge
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2019 09:04
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2020 01:58

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