Gambaran kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan standar prosedur operasional pencegahan pasien risiko jatuh di satu rumah sakit swasta Indonesia bagian barat = description of nurse compliance in implementing the standards of operational procedures for preventing the risk patients fall in the one of western Indonesian private hospital.

Rommer, Chrisna Aprilya and Latumanuwy, Meiliza (2018) Gambaran kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan standar prosedur operasional pencegahan pasien risiko jatuh di satu rumah sakit swasta Indonesia bagian barat = description of nurse compliance in implementing the standards of operational procedures for preventing the risk patients fall in the one of western Indonesian private hospital. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Perawat mempunyai peran yang besar dalam pencegahan pasien jatuh, salah satunya dengan cara meningkatkan kepatuhan dengan berpedoman pada standar prosedur operasional pencegahan pasien risiko jatuh di rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimana kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan standar prosedur operasional pencegahan pasien risiko jatuh dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan rumah sakit. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitaif dengan sampel berjumlah 40 orang dan menggunakan teknik Total Sampling. Penelitian telah disetujui oleh Research, Community Service & Training Commite (RCTC) No. 006/RCTC-EC/R/SHKJ/V/2018. Analisis Univariat digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil penelitian. Hasil yang didapat adalah kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan standar prosedur operasional pencegahan pasien risiko jatuh adalah tidak patuh dengan jumlah responden yang melakukan sebanyak 15 responden dari 40 responden dengan persentase 37,5% dan tidak melakukan sebanyak 25 responden dengan persentase 62,5%. Disarankan untuk meningkatkan pelaksanaan standar prosedur operasional pasien risiko jatuh rendah, sedang, maupun tinggi sehingga insiden jatuh dapat dicegah atau paling tidak dapat dikurangi = Nurses have a big role in preventing patients from falling, one of them is by increasing compliance by referring to the Standard Operating Procedure to prevent patients from falling in hospitals. The purpose of this study is to see how nurses adhere to implementing Standard Operating Procedures to prevent patients from falling risk and improve the quality of hospital services. The research method is descriptive with the quantitative approach with 40 samples and using the Total Sampling technique. The study was approved by Research, Community Service & Training Committee (RCTC) No. 006/RCTCEC/R/SHKJ/V/2018. Univariate analysis was used to analyze research results. The results obtained are nurses' compliance in implementing standard operating procedures to prevent falling risk patients from being non-compliant with the number of respondents who did as many as 15 respondents from 40 respondents with a percentage of 37.5% and did not do as many as 25 respondents with a percentage of 62.5%. It is recommended to improve the implementation of standard operating procedures for patients at low, medium, and high risk of falls so that a falling incident can be prevented or at least reduced.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Rommer, Chrisna Aprilya
Latumanuwy, Meiliza
Thesis advisor
Houghty, Grace Solely
Thesis advisor
Agustina, Triulan
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kepatuhan; Perawat; Risiko Jatuh; Compliance; Nurse; Risk Fall
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2019 03:14
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2020 00:42

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