Gambaran penerapan situation, background, analysis, recommendation (sbar) dalam komunikasi interpersonal perawat-dokter di unit gawat darurat siloam hospitals kebon jeruk = a descriptions about the implementation of situation, background, analysis, recommendation in interpersonal communication (nursing-doctor) in siloam hospitals kebon jeruk, emergency room.

Estepanshon, Sem Immanuel (2018) Gambaran penerapan situation, background, analysis, recommendation (sbar) dalam komunikasi interpersonal perawat-dokter di unit gawat darurat siloam hospitals kebon jeruk = a descriptions about the implementation of situation, background, analysis, recommendation in interpersonal communication (nursing-doctor) in siloam hospitals kebon jeruk, emergency room. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Nurses Interpersonal communication is strongly related to the level of patient satisfaction. The lack of ability for nurses to communcation are inhibiting factor. SBAR (SITUATION, BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, RECOMMENDATION) provides a consistent and memorable concept to communicate effective and efficient about nursing care information. Nurses and Doctors communicate face-to-face or via phone using SBAR. The research method used is descriptive quantitative using total sampling technique. The research instrument is a questionnaire adapted from Febrina (2014), and the data analysis to be used is univariate analysis.The result of the research with total frequency of each variabel is 19 people, from the measurement value of SBAR technique communication variable communicator on good categories has (57,9%), poorly communicator has (42,1%), the message variable of clear categories has (42,1%), the unclear message has (57,9%), the variable of good enviroment categories has (5,3%) and deficient categories has (94,7%), the variable media of message on good category has (21,1%), and the deficient media message has (78,9%), the variable level of message with a good categories has (78,9%) and for the less of the good ones has (21,1%). The Recommendation for a research further is to measure the scale of SBAR based on demographic data that relate between variable one to another by measuring the variables studied more deeply such as interview using qualitative study / Komunikasi interpersonal perawat berhubungan kuat dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien. Semakin efektif komunikasi interpersonal perawat, maka tingkat kepuasan pasien akan semakin tinggi. Lemahnya kemampuan perawat berkomunikasi dan belum adanya pembakuan teknik komunikasi adalah faktor penghambat komunikasi efektif. Penggunaan SBAR (SITUATION, BACKGROUND, ANALISIS, RECOMMENDATION) menyediakan konsep yang konsisten dan mudah diingat untuk mengkomunikasikan informasi perawatan yang efektif dan efisien. Perawat dan Dokter berkomunikasi menggunakan SBAR melalui tatap muka atau via telpon. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik total sampling. Instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari Febrina (2014) dan dianalisa menggunakan analisa univariat. Hasil dari penelitian dengan total frekuensi masing-masing variabel (n=19), dari nilai ukur teknik komunikasi SBAR variabel komunikator pada kategori baik (57,9%), kurang baik (42,1%), variabel pesan kategori jelas (42,1%), kurang jelas (57,9%), variabel lingkungan pada kategori baik (5,3%), kurang baik (94,7%), variabel media pesan pada kategori baik (21,1%), kurang baik (78,9%), variabel tingkat pesan dengan kategori baik (78,9%), kurang baik (21,1%). Rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah untuk mengukur skala SBAR berdasarkan data demografi yang berhubungan antara variabel satu dengan yang lain dengan mengukur variabel yang diteliti lebih dalam lagi seperti wawancara menggunakan studi kualitatif
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Estepanshon, Sem Immanuel
Thesis advisor
Dien, Christine Diane
Thesis advisor
Rumerung, Christie Lidya
Uncontrolled Keywords: komunikasi efektif; interpersonal; SBAR; Effective Communication; Interpersonal
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2019 05:48
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 03:47

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