Kekuatan pembuktian perjanjian jual beli tanah yang digantungkan pada perikatan bersyarat dalam gugatan sengketa tanah (suatu tinjauan yuridis terhadap putusan pengadilan nomor 383/pdt.G/2016/pn.Tng) = The strength of proof of land purchase agreements that are bound with conditional agreement in land rights dispute

Eugenia, Eugenia (2019) Kekuatan pembuktian perjanjian jual beli tanah yang digantungkan pada perikatan bersyarat dalam gugatan sengketa tanah (suatu tinjauan yuridis terhadap putusan pengadilan nomor 383/pdt.G/2016/pn.Tng) = The strength of proof of land purchase agreements that are bound with conditional agreement in land rights dispute. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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There are a lot of business transactions related to land in daily life. Sale of right of land is the most common type of transaction encountered. Sale of right of land is juridical means to transfer the ownership of the land on the money-paid basis, in fact sometimes the parties agree to approve the deed of sale and purchase of land rights before repayment of payment to the seller. Sometimes in sale of right of land agreement the parties have some other conditional agreement. However, according the 1960 Agrarian Law imposes some requirements need to be fulfilled in order to sale a right on land. Deed of sale and purchase is one proof of the transfer of land rights. Deed of sale and purchase of land is one of authentic deeds. An authentic deed is one type of written evidence, which one of important legal means of proof in civil procedure law. The authentic deed must be made in writing by the competent authority and must be witnessed by notary public officer. Based on this research, we can conclude that authentic deed has a perfect strength of evidence and bound which cannot be denied by judges in courts and also by the parties. It is different from the sale of land agreements that do not have perfect legal means unless acknowledged by the parties.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Eugenia, Eugenia
Thesis advisor
Dianti, Flora
Additional Information: SK 51-15 EUG k
Uncontrolled Keywords: Payments; Authentic Deed; Agreement; Written Evidence; Notary Public Officer; Conditional Agreements
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Law
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Law
Depositing User: Users 9 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 May 2021 04:31
Last Modified: 24 May 2021 04:33

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