Gambaran karakteristik pasien dengan risiko jatuh di siloam hospitals manado = description of patient characteristics with fall risk in siloam hospitals manado.

Tamala, Thia (2018) Gambaran karakteristik pasien dengan risiko jatuh di siloam hospitals manado = description of patient characteristics with fall risk in siloam hospitals manado. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Fall resulting in various types of injury, physical and psychological damage, the risk of falling is a threat that needs to be anticipated for everyone. Data at Siloam Hospitals Manado is known in the first five months of 2017 the number of patients is 5,935, where patients with low risk fall by 58%, risk of moderate fall by 41% and high risk of 1% fall. The purpose of this research is to know the description of the characteristics that caused the risk of falling in Siloam Hospitals Manado. The method used descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques using risk scale instrument fall Siloam Hospitals Manado. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. Patients at moderate risk and risk of falling as high as 296 samples. The result of the observation of patients with moderate fall risk was 283 samples with the most characteristic of age <60 years (48.06%), the patient had no history of fall (66.78%), partially assisted ADL activity (49.47%), non- bifocal glasses sensory deficit (36.75% ), cognitive orientation (70.32%), regular pattern of BAB / BAK (51.59%), Mobility / independent motor (51.59%), Anti hypertensive / hypoglycemic / antidepressant / neutropic / (59.36%). The high risk of falling as many as 13 samples obtained the most characteristic age of 60-70 years (62%), history of falling most ever fall <1 month (77%), ADL activity assisted full (54%), deficit sensory bifocal glasses (54%), cognitive difficulties following orders (38%) and confusing / disorientation characteristics (38%), CHAPTER / BAK nocturia (31%) and urgency (31%), mobility / motor skills use (62%), antihypertensive / hypoglycemic / antidepressants / neutropic (54%), comorbidity of diabetes / cardiovascular / ISK (38%) and disruption of SPP / stroke / precancer (38%). Suggestions can be done to prevent the risk of falling by taking into account any characteristics of the patient / Jatuh mengakibatkan berbagai jenis cedera, kerusakan fisik dan psikologis, risiko jatuh merupakan ancaman yang perlu diantisipasi bagi setiap orang. Data di Siloam Hospitals Manado diketahui pada lima bulan pertama ditahun 2017 jumlah pasien 5,935, dimana pasien dengan risiko jatuh rendah sebesar 58%, risiko jatuh sedang sebesar 41% dan risiko jatuh tinggi sebesar 1%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik yang menyebabkan terjadinya risiko jatuh di Siloam Hospitals Manado. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument skala risiko jatuh Siloam Hospitals Manado. Sampel diambil menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling. Pasien dengan risiko jatuh sedang dan risiko jatuh tinggi sebanyak 296 sampel. Hasil observasi pasien risiko jatuh sedang sebanyak 283 sampel dengan karakteristik terbanyak usia <60 tahun (48,06%), pasien tidak ada riwayat jatuh (66.78%), aktivitas ADL dibantu sebagian (49.47%), defisit sensori kacamata bukan bifokal (36.75%), kognitif orientasi baik (70.32%), Pola BAB/BAK teratur (51.59%), Mobilitas/motorik mandiri (51.59%), pengobatan Anti hipertensi/ hipoglikemik/ antidepresan / neutropika/ (59.36%). Resiko jatuh tinggi sebanyak 13 sampel didapatkan karakteristik terbanyak usia 60-70 tahun (62%), riwayat jatuh terbanyak pernah jatuh <1 bulan (77%), aktivitas ADL dibantu penuh (54%), defisit sensori kacamata bifokal (54%), kognitif kesulitan mengikuti perintah (38%) dan karakteristik bingung/disorientasi (38%), pola BAB/BAK nokturia (31%) dan urgency (31%), mobilitas/ motorik menggunakan alat bantu (62%), pengobatan antihipertensi/ hipoglikemik/antidepresan/ neutropika (54%), komorbiditas diabetes/kardiak/ISK (38%) dan gangguan SPP/ stroke/ prakinson (38 %). Saran dapat dilakukan pencegahan risiko jatuh dengan memperhatikan setiap karakteristik yang dimiliki pasien.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tamala, Thia
Thesis advisor
Dien, Christine Diane
Thesis advisor
Rumerung, Christie Lidya
Uncontrolled Keywords: resiko jatuh pasien; karakteristik risiko jatuh; resiko jatuh; faktorfaktor resiko jatuh; risk of falling patients; risk characteristics fall; risk of falling; risk factors fall.
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2019 07:45
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 03:14

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