Perancangan dan konstruksi sistem pengukur ketinggian air yang dapat diakses via SMS = Design and construction of water level measurement system that accessible through SMS

Saraswati, Made Anggrecia (2012) Perancangan dan konstruksi sistem pengukur ketinggian air yang dapat diakses via SMS = Design and construction of water level measurement system that accessible through SMS. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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An automatic water level measurement system is needed to prevent the difficulties when one does the measurement manually, such as difficulty to reach the measurement site, human error, and the other difficulties. This system uses ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level. The microcontroller AT89S51 was used in this system as a data processor and controller to other electronic components, while SIM300C GSM modem was used as a short message service./ Sistem pengukuran ketinggian air secara otomatis dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan yang dapat terjadi jika dilakukan pengukuran manual, seperti kesulitan menjangkau tempat pengukuran, kesalahan manusia, dan lain-lain. Sistem ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik untuk mengukur ketinggian air. Mikrokontroler AT89S51 digunakan dalam sistem ini sebagai pengolah data dan pemberi perintah pada komponen listrik lainnya, sementara modem GSM SIM300C digunakan sebagai penerima dan pengirim pesan singkat. Sistem melaporkan data hasil pengukuran ketinggian air dalam bentuk pesan singkat ketika ketinggian air pada keadaan rawan banjir, banjir, dan kembali aman maupun ketika menerima pesan singkat berupa request data. Pengaturan awal dibutuhkan agar sistem dapat bekerja sesuai dengan kondisi pemasangan. Selain itu, sistem ini juga menggunakan panel surya sebagai sumber daya untuk seluruh rangkaian elektronik di dalamnya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem dapat bekerja dengan baik, sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Sensor ultrasonik mampu mengukur ketinggian air hingga jarak 432 cm dari sensor. Sistem bekerja pada tegangan 4 – 4,5 V. Aki yang digunakan idealnya dari kondisi terisi penuh dapat menyediakan listrik bagi sistem selama 5 hari tanpa charging dari Solar Panel. (SMS) receiver and transmitter. The system will report measurement result data as an SMS message when the water level is right on the prone to flood level, flood level, and safe from flood as well as when system receive the data request SMS. Initial setting is important in order to make system work compatibly with installation condition. Beside that, this system also uses solar panel as power source of all electronic circuit in it. The test result shows that the system can work well as expected. The ultrasonic sensor is able to measure the water level up to 432 cm from the sensor head. This system works at 4 – 4,5 V supply voltage. The fully charged battery used in this system ideally can provide electricity for the system for 5 days without charging supply from Solar Panel.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Saraswati, Made Anggrecia
Thesis advisor
Kuantama, Endrowednes
Thesis advisor
Mardjoko, Pono Budi
Additional Information: SK 32-09 SAR p
Uncontrolled Keywords: water level measurement; pre-flood alarm
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Depositing User: Users 6 not found.
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2018 01:20
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2021 04:33

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