Hotspots dalam small world dan trend penularan opini clubbing, merokok, alkohol, drugs, dan hubungan intim = Hotspots and the spreading of opinions on clubbing, smoking, alcohol, drugs, and sexual intercourse in small world

Winata, Patricia (2013) Hotspots dalam small world dan trend penularan opini clubbing, merokok, alkohol, drugs, dan hubungan intim = Hotspots and the spreading of opinions on clubbing, smoking, alcohol, drugs, and sexual intercourse in small world. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Milgram discovered the phenomenon that people are connected to each other with an average distance of six degrees separation, called small world. This research aims to replicate Christakis’ experiment on identifying hotspots and their influence in the student community of Pelita Harapan University. Questionnaires about happiness and opinions on clubbing, smoking, alcohol, drugs, and sexual intercourse are delivered to students to observe opinion spread in the community. To begin with, questionnaires are delivered to 36 random respondents and they are asked to recommend two friends, who are more popular to also fill the questionnaires. The research is done until four iteration. Afterward, the pattern of happiness and the spreading of opinion can be observed through the network. From the research, 157 data have been collected with percentage of success is 64,767%. The research shows that there are 25 hotspots and the second iteration contains the most hotspots. The difference of the level of happiness is not significant and most of the students tend to be happy. The average opinion of alcohol and clubbing as a common behavior is about 41% to 60%. There are several high correlations (Pearson correlation above 0.5) of opinions on smoking, alcohol, drugs, and sexual intercourse between particular iterations. The spreading of opinion is yet to be observed, but through the Pearson Correlation we could perceive that there is a relation from one iteration to another and this could be an indicator of the spreading of opinion. / Small world merupakan sebuah fenomena manusia saling terhubung dengan jarak rata-rata enam lompatan yang diungkapkan oleh Stanley Milgram. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengulang percobaan Christakis dalam mengidentifikasi hotspots dan pengaruhnya pada lingkungan mahasiswa Universitas Pelita Harapan. Penyebaran opini sosial diteliti dengan memberikan kuesioner mengenai happiness dan opini mengenai clubbing, merokok, alkohol, drugs, dan hubungan intim kepada mahasiswa. Penelitian dimulai dengan memberikan kuesioner pada 36 responden yang dipilih secara acak, kemudian mereka diminta untuk merekomendasikan dua temannya yang populer. Penelitian dilakukan sampai iterasi keempat, lalu pola happiness dan penyebaran opini dapat dilihat dalam jaringan. Data yang terkumpul dari penelitian sebanyak 157 data dengan persentase keberhasilan sebesar 64,767%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 25 hotspot dan iterasi kedua merupakan iterasi yang memiliki jumlah hotspot terbanyak. Tingkat happiness pada setiap node tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dan mayoritas mahasiswa tergolong happy. Opini mengenai alkohol dan clubbing memiliki rata-rata tingkat kewajaran sekitar 41% sampai 60%. Beberapa opini pada masalah merokok, alkohol, drugs, dan hubungan intim memiliki korelasi antar iterasi yang tinggi (Pearson Correlation di atas 0,5) pada iterasi tertentu. Penyebaran opini belum bisa diteliti, tapi besarnya korelasi antar iterasi dapat mengindikasikan adanya kemungkinan penyebaran opini.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Winata, Patricia
Thesis advisor
Martoyo, Ihan
Thesis advisor
Junita, Handaya
Additional Information: SK 32-09 WIN h
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Depositing User: Users 6 not found.
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2018 02:49
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2022 07:36

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