Perancangan konsep visual film animasi dua dimensi adaptasi scripture (studi kasus: "Kain dan Habel") = Concept art for two dimensional animation film adaptation scripture (base on "Kain dan Habel")

Imanuel, Kevin (2021) Perancangan konsep visual film animasi dua dimensi adaptasi scripture (studi kasus: "Kain dan Habel") = Concept art for two dimensional animation film adaptation scripture (base on "Kain dan Habel"). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Setiap agama yang terdapat di Indonesia memiliki perbedaan. Khususnya, untuk agama Katolik dan Kristen menggunakan kitab suci yang bernama Alkitab sebagai buku pedoman hidup dengan tingkat keabsolutas yang kuat. Alkitab dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu perjanjian lama dan perjanjian baru. Perjanjian lama menceritakan kejadian sebelum Tuhan Yesus turun ke dunia. Sedangkan perjanjian baru menceritakan mujizat dan kesaksian yang di buat oleh Tuhan Yesus. Pada perjanjian lama, di kitab Kejadian 4:1-16 menceritakan permasalahan konflik antar manusia yang berujung pada kejahatan nyawa. Hingga saat ini, khsusunya di negara Indonesia cerita seperti ini masih ada dengan berbagai faktor penyebabnya. Maka dari itu, cerita Kain dan Habel dibuat untuk mengigatkan kembali kepada manusia bahwa kejadian seperti ini sudah berulang kali terjadi. Nantinya isi dari cerita ini akan sesuai dengan yang telah tertulis di Alkitab. Namun, bila ada beberapa hal yang tidak secara spesifik di jelaskan maka akan adanya penambahan sumber lain untuk melengkapi keperluan desain pada concept art book. Dengan memanfaatkan medium berupa concept art book, cerita dengan konsep tersebut diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan kepekaan dan kesadaran manusia khusunya di negara Indonesia. / Every religion in Indonesia is different. In particular, Catholics and Christians use a holy book called the Bible as a guide to life with a strong level of absoluteness. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament tells of events before the Lord Jesus came to earth. While the New Testament tells of the miracles and testimonies made by the Lord Jesus. In the Old Testament, the book of Genesis 4:1-16 tells of the problem of conflict between humans that led to the crime of life. Until now, especially in Indonesia, stories like this still exist with various factors causing it. Therefore, the story of Cain and Abel was made to remind people that events like this have happened repeatedly. Later the content of this story will be in accordance with what has been written in the Bible. However, if there are some things that are not specifically explained, other sources will be added to complete the design needs of the concept art book. By utilizing the medium in the form of a concept art book, stories with this concept are expected to further increase human sensitivity and awareness, especially in Indonesia.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Imanuel, Kevin
Thesis advisor
Heryanto, Naldo
Thesis advisor
Limano, Ferric
Uncontrolled Keywords: stone age; temper
Subjects: N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Depositing User: Users 5419 not found.
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2021 02:29
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2022 05:14

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