Perancangan ulang identitas visual brand permainan edukatif (studi kasus: The Menthilis Project) = Visual identity redesign of educational games brand (study case: The Menthilis Project)

Gondo, Natasha Christina (2021) Perancangan ulang identitas visual brand permainan edukatif (studi kasus: The Menthilis Project) = Visual identity redesign of educational games brand (study case: The Menthilis Project). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The Menthilis Project adalah sebuah brand yang menyediakan permainan edukatif berupa kit berkonsep DIY (Do-It-Yourself) untuk anak berusia 3-7 tahun. Entitas ini diangkat melihat pentingnya kegiatan bermain bagi keluarga yang menjadi tantangan tersendiri di tengah era digital. Metodologi perancangan merujuk kepada buku Designing Brand Identity oleh Alina Wheeler. Kajian teori merujuk kepada buku yang sama serta teori identitas visual dari Graphic Design Solutions oleh Robin Landa. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa brand ini belum mempunyai penerapan identitas visual yang konsisten, baik dari segi logo maupun komponen identitas visual. Ditambah lagi, logo dari brand ini belum memenuhi kriteria yang ada dan belum berhasil menyampaikan makna yang ingin disampaikan kepada audiens. Hasil perancangan ulang ini berakar pada kata kunci handmade, playful, dan inventive yang mengakomodir sisi produk maupun brand itu sendiri. Perancangan ulang ini terfokus menekankan makna kata menthilis yang terkait dengan sisi eksplorasi anak. Hal tersebut ditampilkan dengan penggunaan bentuk thought bubble pada logo serta diterapkan lebih lanjut berupa elemen grafis berbentuk awan yang dapat dibentuk secara cukup fleksibel. Konsistensi akan hal ini didukung pula oleh pengaturan warna, tipografi, dan gambar, baik dari segi ilustrasi maupun fotografi. / The Menthilis Project is a brand that provides educational kit with DIY (Do-It- Yourself) concept for 3-7 years old children. This entity is highlighted according to the importance of playing activity for family, which has become challenging in this digital era. Methodology for this redesign refers to Alina Wheeler's Designing Brand Identity. Base theory for this redesign refers to the same book mentioned above and visual identity theory from Robin Landa's Graphic Design Solutions. Observation results showed that this brand didn't have a consistent visual identity implementation, both from logo aspect and its visual identity components. Furthermore, its logo didn't qualify its criteria and didn't inform the intended meaning to the audiences successfully. This redesign outcome started from keywords consisting of handmade, playful, and inventive that accommodates both the brand and product side of the entity. This redesign put the main focus towards the word menthilis that is related to the explorative side of the children. It is shown by the usage of a thought bubble on the logo and applied further with the quite flexible cloud graphic elements. Its visual identity consistency was supported by establishing certain color, typography, and graphic aspects from illustration and photography.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Gondo, Natasha Christina
Thesis advisor
Zuki, Chandra Djoko
Thesis advisor
Isfandriani, Rerry
Uncontrolled Keywords: desain komunikasi visual; desain grafis; identitas visual; permainan edukatif; The Menthilis Project
Subjects: N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Depositing User: Users 5546 not found.
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2021 03:20
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2021 03:20

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