Perancangan Ulang Buku The Desire for Elsewhere Karya Agnes Chew = A Redesign of the Book The Desire for Elsewhere by Agnes Chew

Tiffany, Tiffany (2021) Perancangan Ulang Buku The Desire for Elsewhere Karya Agnes Chew = A Redesign of the Book The Desire for Elsewhere by Agnes Chew. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The Desire for Elsewhere adalah sebuah buku kumpulan esai refleksi perjalanan yang ditulis oleh Agnes Chew. Buku ini memiliki struktur yang cukup unik yang sayangnya kurang direpresentasikan oleh medium yang digunakannya. Hal ini sangat disayangkan karena potensi buku tidak termaksimalkan sebagai sebuah obyek fisik. Isu ini pun diperkuat oleh fakta bahwa dewasa ini masyarakat Indonesia kurang menggemari membaca buku karena wujudnya yang bersifat repetitif dan membosankan. Padahal, sepanjang sejarah banyak sekali jenis buku menarik dan eksploratif yang telah terciptakan. Rancangan ulang buku The Desire for Elsewhere terpusat pada konsep kunjungan museum dan menggunakan pendekatan ergodic literature, khususnya shuffle literature, di mana isi buku tidak disatukan/dijilid namun sengaja dibuat terpisah-pisah agar dapat memungkinkan pengalaman membaca yang lebih personal dan intim. Jenis literatur ini dipilih karena lebih dapat mewakili konsep dan alur cerita buku tersebut dibandingkan dengan tipe kodeks. Dengan pendekatan ini, diharapkan agar pembaca dapat lebih mengalami pengalaman kunjungan museum yang terbebas dari urutan tertentu. Buku dipisah menjadi beberapa komponen: museum guidebook, tiket masuk, booklets yang merepresentasikan sebuah artefak pada suatu museum, dan epilogue yang dirancang menyerupai cendera mata museum. Selain itu, keseluruhan booklets juga terpisah menjadi tiga bagian buku, yang memiliki gaya desain yang berbeda-beda dengan sintaktik yang dipertahankan. Hasil rancangan pun diharapkan agar dapat menjadi sebuah pengenalan kembali akan format buku yang unik ini, dan pengalaman baru bagi masyarakat Indonesia dalam menikmati medium buku cetak. / The Desire for Elsewhere is a book of essay collections written by Agnes Chew. It has a unique structure, but unfortunately its existing medium does not represent its uniqueness effectively. Alas, the book could not reach its maximum potential as a physical object. This issue is also supported by the fact that many Indonesians nowadays doesn’t find books appealing due to it being visually repetitive, and thus, boring; whereas books have gone through centuries of advancements and inventions. The Desire for Elsewhere redesign focuses on a concept of museum visit using ergodic literature approach—more specifically, shuffle literature, where the contents of a book are not bound into a book but separated, to allow a more personalized and intimate reading experience. This genre of literature is chosen because it seems more fitting to the book’s concept and plot compared to its more popular counterpart: codex. This approach is also used in the hopes that it can be more like a museum-visit experience for its readers, where there is no certain order to follow. The book is separated into several components: a museum guidebook, an entrance ticket, booklets that each represents a museum artefact, and an epilogue which is designed like a museum souvenir. Furthermore, the booklets are also separated into three different parts which have different design styles but still maintaining their syntax by having some level of visual similarities. In conclusion, this book redesign project is done in the hopes that it can reintroduce this unique kind of book format, and give a new experience in the enjoyment of the printed book to the people of Indonesia.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tiffany, Tiffany
Thesis advisor
Melini, Ellis
Thesis advisor
Usman, Winoto
Uncontrolled Keywords: desain grafis; buku; perancangan ulang; ergodic literature; shuffle literature; the desire for elsewhere;
Subjects: N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Design > Visual Communication Design
Depositing User: Users 5560 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2021 02:34
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2022 11:45

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